Come to the edge

Come to the edge

The quote below has been the theme of the day, (nay! the week!)in my sessions with my clients and it has been an absolute privilege to bear witness to the layers or fear that have been falling away from each and every one of them in their own way.


I rarely share anything about my clients and wont be sharing any names but today I feel like it’s time to highlight some key things which been happening for them as they “come to the edge” despite the inherent fear that comes up when you choose to ‘turn up and mean business’ in your life and to be fully expressed.


They are finally taking action on what they have always known they love but have been afraid to make real…

– There’s one who is about to have an exhibition of her art on July 4th, unashamedly sharing her work after years of hiding in insignificance and making excuses.
– One who is growing his business and moving it into an office bigger than he could have imagined last year, only to find that he is already filled to capacity and is now expanding to take on a whole new office in another town.
– One who has stopped taking anxiety and depression medication after many years when he realised that he was taking them largely because it was what he had learned from his parents and he now can be his own person and make his own choices.
– another who has stopped hiding behind his relationship for fear of confrontation and loss and is finally stepping into the limelight of his career and has discovered that teaching and sharing his passion with young, rural students makes him come alive.


I share these as an illustration for those of you who feel the pull inside to live a fully expressed life of truth. As a way of saying that everyone who makes that choice WILL and DO have fear come up and that it’s all part of the process. But for those who are really over waiting to realise themselves as powerful and alive and want to live who they are AUTHENTICALLY and with INSPIRATION, don’t wait for that fear to go away! For my clients, they realise that when they practice what we work on in our sessions, they NO LONGER NEED the fear to go, in fact they USE IT to propel themselves towards what they love.


Are you waiting for the fear to go before you take the leap?
Are you ready to know yourself beyond all the fear?
Are you willing to take a leap and show yourself just how magnificent and capable and unlimited you truly are?


If the answer is YES! Then maybe I’m the one to push and witness you flying. Please private message me to talk about partnering up at this ‘edge’ in your life. : )


“Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge,
He pushed them and they flew.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came. It pushed them…
And they flew.”
-Christopher Logue



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What if…

What if…

What if today, you paid attention and realised that everything that turned up in your life was actually here to support you? Every conversation, challenging, confronting, joyous or otherwise was for that purpose. All of it perfectly orchestrated to expand and evolve your awareness of who you are- your capabilities, your innate wisdom and powerfulness AND also your blind spots to these things.


How about we be mindful of this as much as possible today so that we can make more authentic and informed choices from the infinite energy that we are and not from the perception we hold of smallness and ‘not enough’ mentality?


I wonder what would happen if we keep our focus on this and give our attention to ourselves and how we feel about the choices and actions we are taking rather than concerning ourselves with what others are doing? Just for today, or even part of today…. and see what happens.


Happy Tuesday gorgeous people : )



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Are you a ‘know it all’ ?!

Are you a ‘know it all’ ?!

I became aware of this at a meeting I attended with some really gorgeous and outwardly successful people this morning. The theme I noticed was that they KNEW what was true for them and what would support them to step up and live a fully expressed life….but they just didn’t follow through on that knowing.


I see this a lot with people who have been to a lot of courses and seminars or who have read a lot of books on personal development.


It’s one thing to go about gathering lots of knowledge and a WHOLE other thing to be willing to integrate what you know.


You see, this is where your head convinces you that just by KNOWING something intellectually, that will be enough for things to shift in your world.


One of the most powerful things we can admit to is NOT knowing. When we put down our fragile pride and become vulnerable (the opposite of what our head wants to do) and open, then we start to ‘get out of our own way’. Along with dropping the need to be right, this is one of the most powerful conscious practices I know.


But why don’t we get out of our own way??


Yes its scary at first, your head will likely go a bit crazy as it grasps to hold on to the illusion of safety and control but gradually, with support and persistence, you will start to see how your life opens up in the most surprising of ways. How by getting out of your own way, (a.k.a getting out of your head with all it’s thoughts and stories) you create space to allow your soul to show you what you DO know.


So, it pays to not know sometimes, UNTIL YOU AUTHENTICALLY DO, through your own experience. It pays to be humble in your awareness. One very powerful saying shared with me by one of my mentors years ago and I am still present to in my life is:

“Never underestimate the power of being underestimated!” or in other words, there’s no need to draw attention to yourself or try and prove you ‘know it all’ to anyone when you truly know who you are.


Someone who KNOWS – and I mean truly KNOWS in an integrated, embodied way doesn’t ever need to draw attention to themselves and build themselves up.


So, are you fed up with things not shifting in your world? If you are stuck in your head and often hear yourself saying “I know” but now realise that perhaps you don’t really, I would love to hear from you.


I am expert at supporting people to speak the truth to themselves and get to their own inner wisdom, certainty and clarity. My 3-month Coaching Partner Program will support you by challenging you to walk your talk, not just talk your talk and show you how by having some humility, things start to flow. Sounds good? feel free to private message me so we can talk further and see if there is a ‘fit’ for us.


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What are you waiting for?!

What are you waiting for?!

Why are you waiting for the discomfort to be so intense before you do something differently?


If you ponder on that for a moment, you will see that it is often so true. People wait until the circumstances in their lives get so uncomfortable, so unbearable that they almost back themselves into a corner and they don’t feel like they then have a choice.


Why do you wait to have a courageous conversation? Why wait to go ahead with that project or business you dream of? Why put off something that you know deep down is true and feels right?


When you realise the universal truth that life is- and can only ever be- lived in one place, the here and now, then things can really start to shift.


So, what are you putting off? and have you asked yourself why? Why are you biding time for the right moment?


In my experience of working with people I see it all the time. People telling themselves that it’s not quite the right time, they don’t want to speak the truth in case they hurt someone’s feelings, they need one more qualification, another few thousand in the bank etc BEFORE they can do, be or have ‘X’.


All of these are excuses! No wonder there are so many people who feel such a deep sense of powerlessness about their circumstances when they continually and habitually keep putting things off. And when you realise why you play games with yourself this way, you will (metaphorically) kick yourself!


For anyone interested in truly living an authentic and true path and who is tired of this limited ‘delay game’ THE TIME IS NOW. The truth moves through you in each moment, moment to moment, but are you listening to what your truth is?…and are you willing to act upon it?


I am interested in working with people who have had enough of avoiding and putting off stuff in their lives and who are ready to tell themselves the truth. I am welcoming a further 5 people to join me for my coaching partner program where you will have both one-on-one focussed support AND a fortnightly online group-coaching session to really forge a fresh way of turning up in your world.


How about you seize the moment which is NOW and send me a message so we can explore the option of partnering up.


Get wise and stop looking for the easy way out!

Get wise and stop looking for the easy way out!

As someone who has been in the personal development  and self-realisation space for many years now, there are many common themes that emerge when working with people in expanding consciousness. One of the biggest challenges I’ve had over the years and I see a lot when working with clients is our constant need to look for the easy way!

Sorry to be the reality check person here but… There is no easy way!!– yet everyone still looks for an easy way…to change, to know who they really are, to get what they want, to stop doing things that they know don’t serve them. They avoid challenge, open-hearted communication, feeling emotional, putting in the hard yards. They don’t want to be bothered by the nitty gritty.

It takes rigour, it takes discipline, it takes practice, it takes focussing the mind. It takes going through the experience of your head throwing all kinds of judgmental crap your way to sabotage your best intentions and convince you to stay small, to convince you that you can’t do it and that you haven’t got what it takes. 

You need support, we don’t have to take on this challenge alone. You need to have someone who has the consciousness to hold their space and not go into agreeing with your smallness and who knows who you really are and doesn’t fall for stories that you tell yourself. You must be aware of who you have closest to you because unwittingly they’re really invested in you staying the same way you have always been.

So wise up and don’t keep looking for the easy way. Don’t look to try and get away with short-changing yourself. Put in the hard yards, its worth it! Just stick at it and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

If you don’t even know what that means, or how you may go about it, feel free to give me a call and I will work with you. I will partner with you in your life and support you when you are telling yourself bullshit stories or when you’re looking for the easy ways out. I’ll support you in becoming emotionally resilient, in you coming back to yourself, the truth in your core where you appreciate the gift that challenge brings.

Private message me or email me at if you feel that it’s time to rise up and do something differently and stop avoiding life. 

#shiftyourcontext #thereisnoeasyway #coretruths