Imagine that inside you there is a core of steel. This is the core where your wisdom and Knowing lies, but for most of us, that steel is not tempered or strengthened. It gets bent out of shape by our life circumstances, our fearful thoughts and feelings and by others opinions of us. It gets covered in the “static” of everyday life and our limited beliefs about ourselves and the world in general. So much so that often that core is forgotten about and we rely on our heads. Which is exhausting and effort filled….and unnecessary! as we have an immense depth of energy residing deep inside us. CoreTruth is about clearing the static away, getting clarity and speaking your truth. This means that more and more you experience a feeling of peace no matter what is going on around you. You are more emotionally resilient and are more able to accept whatever is going on around you. You will feel what its like to be in flow, let go of old ways of being that just don’t work for you anymore and create relationships which are real and solid. Whatever the context, reason or problem you bring along to a session, it is guaranteed to shift your perception of what is going on.
Testimonials from David’s clients
I have been working with David for approximately 2 years. The ongoing support and contact keeps me focused and stops the business of everyday life taking over. I enjoy the clarity and freedom with decision making it has brought which I can apply day to day. Without on-going coaching it’s easy for the cloudiness of 40 years of bad habits and misguided thinking to take over. I now have the power and knowledge to keep me fresh, unburdened and clear.
As part of my property research and investment company, we love to support our business partners to grow and share in the success of Blue Wealth and its services. Two years ago we developed a business and personal development program known as Blue Wealth Bootcamp and invited our most valued business partners to attend. It is a program focused on encouraging the participants to move through their comfort zone and take themselves beyond what they feel possible in their businesses. We discovered that many people found the blockages and challenges that they face were not solely business related, however they were much more about themselves and who they were in their lives. I had worked with David Walker in a personal capacity some years earlier and when the Boot Camp participants needed more personal support, I called him. We found him to be able to support the Boot Camp process by attending and working in the group sessions with the participants as well as working with each individual on a one on one basis for further personal development. As a result, moving forward we chose to integrate David and the CoreTruth context coaching as an integral part of the Boot Camp program. The insights, models and practices he offers in his presentations help each individual on a journey that is tailored directly to their personal development requirements which we found directly influenced their business practice. I find David to have the ability to provide empathy and understanding to all candidates in both the group and individual sessions, in order to providing appropriate development and coaching methods for them to successfully make positive and strategic progress. I would happily recommend David Walker’s services to anyone and I acknowledge the significant impact he has had on my life.
Since I started my sessions with you I have noticed such a huge positive shift in my outlook on life… and so have my family and friends. I am now happier, more decisive and so much more confident. I now live my life following by gut feel instead of what I think is right/wrong as viewed from other people because as I have learnt… ‘I am independent of the good opinion of others’ and coming from a Lebanese background this is a huge hurdle to overcome. I can now make a decision (small or large) and confidently know that no matter what happens I will be alright and can get through anything… and I also make these decisions so much quicker because like you say ‘whatever I resist persists’. I can honestly say that you have helped me find the beauty in being ME and to truly believe that I am good enough… and I couldn’t be more grateful.
Besides being a high calibre, integrous person, David is also easily approachable and genuine. His work dives in to those hard to get to places in your own psyche, so you can break through and achieve your goals. I really enjoyed working with him and hold him in high regard.
The sessions are a commitment to myself that I have had the desire to make for a long while, I am just doing it now. The sessions allow me to stop running from my true self and accept, love and embrace me. I even love the pressure that the sessions create because I know it is supportive. I feel the benefits of the one-on-one sessions when I am willing to put in the time and practice in and out of the sessions. So much has moved through me in these interactions and through practicing being present that it is hard to express in words. What feels most important as a result of this work is the shift to be more honest with myself. I have worked through thoughts and feelings attached to my ego and mind and yet am practicing embracing the thoughts and feelings I used to run from as also supportive. I am moving through my ego’s desire to run and hide when things get challenging or painful in my story. I have seen myself take actions for myself that are more authentic. I have seen myself let go of people in my story that my ego ‘felt’ I could not ‘live without.’ I have felt myself be present in more moments than I have been aware of ever before, and for this I am most grateful. The sessions are a reminder have been aware of ever before, and for this I am most grateful. The sessions are a reminder that living a life of presence takes practice and support from others that come from pure love and presence like the love and presence David Walker is. I am overflowing with appreciation to have the opportunity to have the genuine and pure support from David and I so appreciate the space David holds.
I have used David for my team offsites on two different occasions. One was a small group of about 8 people and the other was a larger group of about 30 people. I was trying to create an atmosphere of creativity, a feeling of connection and I wanted the team to think differently about our challenges. David conducted a “Body Presencing” session for an hour at the start of the day, a sort of meditation 101. It was incredibly successful in creating the atmosphere I was looking for and setting the tone for the day. The feeling in the room was completely transformed between the start of the session and the end of the session. I also got great feedback from the staff. Many of them said it was the highlight of the offsite.
Within the One on One sessions I have with David Walker, I have experienced such a profound expansion of my possibilities. The space I have created by simply moving though stale emotions attached to my body has allowed me the room to step into my power with absolute certainty. The depth of love I have felt for myself and for everything during and after our sessions cannot be measured.
David is a master at gently and persistently getting to the bottom of the issue. He is compassionate without buying into the emotion. He helps you to see things from all possible angles, and gradually peel away at the stories until you are staring the issue in its rawness and there is nothing to do but be in it. That’s when the magic happens – that’s when the changes begin. For me it was an amazing shift and the changes in my life started happening from that moment. I could feel the cloud had lifted. After months of no work the work started pouring in the very next day, and has not stopped since.
David Walker’s approach is unique, powerful and if one is willing, offers powerful “game changing” insights. He is able to uncover where my ego is “managing” me, thus driving how I experience what shows up in my life. I see myself as open, aware, conscious and willing to grow and learn. However, every time I have a session with David he astounds me by uncovering deep and often unseen patterns that are driving my life choices, habits and behaviors. Sometimes I experience strong resistance to his approach, the sensation reminds me of the feeling a child may have when caught with his hand in the lolly jar! My ego has nowhere to run. It’s quite disarming yet very powerful! In my experience, working with David won’t just help clear the issue or block that’s in the way. He’s offered me a way to see the world differently. To let go of getting distracted by the illusions or blocks I create outside of myself I am able to have the freedom to live my life more fully in the present moment. I highly recommend working with David!
I’ve been working with David since July 2009 and the changes I have seen in myself are immense. Although confronting at times, the ability to move away from life-long, often overwhelming negative thoughts and behaviours has been like turning on the lights. I’ve learned that this is an ongoing process of becoming more aware and in tune, not a quick fix, and with David’s support I feel more confident to navigate through life’s challenges.
Since working with David, I have noticed significant changes in my life – some subtle, some profound. Most of all, the way I see things and view the world is different now, and it’s a much nicer place to be than where I was before. Obviously the change is not in the world, but in me. Whilst realising that this is a long term path that I have just begun, I can already see in myself a great shift away from my own beliefs that held me back in life. I’ve done things this year I never thought I’d have the courage to do, and best of all for me – I no longer punish myself the way I used to. Life is so much lighter now.
I began my coaching sessions with David at a time when I was hoping to embark on some major changes in my life. Over the course of the six months that I was coached I came to see certain behaviours and beliefs that were holding me back from having a truly satisfying life. A more creative and empowered life became more appealing than a reactive and timid one. I slowly began to see changes occurring. David’s supportive, challenging, highly insightful and intuitive approach was extremely helpful on my journey towards realising the vision of the person that I could be and the life that I could create. I am pleased to say that one of my major life goals to start a family is now on the way to being realised. I have also created a satisfying new job. My relationship with my partner is growing and developing like never before. Being coached by David was one of the most rewarding personal growth journeys that I have embarked on.