Choose Peace…Yes it takes action!

Choose Peace…Yes it takes action!

What if for just one day ( to start with!) we each chose to focus on PEACE. Just imagine it! The whole globe fuelling their minds, viewing their world and flavouring their choices with PEACE! After all, its pretty common knowledge nowadays that we get more of what we most focus on.


SO what is it you most focus on?


I have had a practice and one which I share with my clients which is to spend some time just after waking and before I get out of bed, focus on being present to what is occurring in my body.

‘Being present to’ doesn’t mean judge or analyse what is going on in your body- but simply becoming aware, observing what is going on with neutral perspective. Thats why its a practice, you need to practice!! It’s an old habit to allow our head to look for what’s wrong, what’s not going well, what needs fixing.


But gradually, with growing patience and discipline you can reach that neutral view and then your more conscious choice can be made. Choose to focus on something you love, something that brings you a sense of peace, joy, connectedness, aliveness, contentedness… and get reeeaaaaallllyy good at being able to shift your attention back to these no matter what your head distracting you with.

DW x


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Find the space of love within…

Find the space of love within…

I became aware of a heaviness within – a slowing up – upon hearing the news that came from our government yesterday that blocked the free vote on marriage equality. I recognized it as the feeling I get whenever I become conscious of a choice made from fear and fuelled with the dynamics of power and control and the resulting feeling of powerlessness.

Ultimately I am aware also that this too must be seen as an opportunity to remind myself, those around me and whom I work with, that there is a bigger picture playing itself out and not to get lost in the emotions of disappointment and anger towards Tony Abbott and his allies. We are part of a flawed system and as such it makes no sense to give it so much energy. What appears to be happening is always what happens when ego goes into battle with ego- it’s why wars happen and why so many of the choices that our current government are making, seem crazy and downright dangerous. Ego always wants to be right and so there’s never a winner.

It’s a tough call to make here, but essential if we are to rise in our consciousness and not fall prey to adding to this war. At times like this we must dig deep and do the work that’s required to find the space of love within. To realize that to hate and blame and judge Tony Abbott will only increase the stalemate situations we find ourselves in. To see beyond the external and personal wrapping he comes in and observe instead the role he is playing for us all. To stop looking for him and his supporters to change and to stop acting from fear and instead ruthlessly do that in each of our own lives and in our own ways. Tony Abbott (and others in our recent history such as George Bush, Francisco Franco and Benito Mussolini) and the way he is governing is a reflection of what we collectively are UNconsciously choosing.


If we were to each stop and ask ourselves some of the harder questions from a place of personal responsibility;

– For what purpose am I being served by having a leader in power who is behaving this way ?…Is it because I don’t believe I have the power myself and therefore must “outsource” it to others?

 -How is it I am contributing to what is happening, even if I didn’t personally vote for the coalition government?…am I not speaking up about what is true for me? 

and most importantly, if I can take my attention away from playing the blame game with the government, where can I focus my attention that will shift this current experience? 

There is another theme I notice with these people in power, the time where they appear to be at their most powerful is simultaneously the time where they are most disapproved of publicly. In their outrageous display of censorship and misuse of power, unwittingly the lose their true power by ignoring the opportunity to dialogue, conciliate and negotiate and truly represent the collective. What is that all about? 

Perhaps the emotions that are stirred up by people who push our buttons in this way are there as fuel. Fuel to step up and out of complacency. By them acting exactly the way they do, in fact creates an opening, a calling if you like for the new leader of love to stand out. In fact we can see it already in some of the reportage today, messages of love and support from people who are also in positions of power and influence politically. Taking action from love is imperative but also it’s critical to remember that everything which is occurring and has occurred up until now is contributing to the impending tipping point in our global political structure….and THAT’S the exciting part!

The passage from fear to love can feel incredibly arduous and long and often filled with seeming potholes and disappointments but along that pathway we expand and learn so much about ourselves and each other. But getting caught up in the story and allowing it to decide how you feel is not a road to peace of mind. When the stuff going on around you is crazy and desperately trying to rob you of your happiness, its a time to go to work! Relentless practice to focus your attention and bring yourself back into the here and now of your life, being present to what is in the moment and following the inspiration there because it’s that inspiration that gets lost when the thoughts get loud. It’s up to you to remember to choose how you are feeling and find that unshakeable place amongst the noise.

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Sometimes you just gotta tell it like it is!

Sometimes you just gotta tell it like it is!

People spend a lot of energy, time and money trying to work out WHY they feel the way they feel- they try to understand their resistance, their thinking, their patterns and self-sabotage.


When it comes down to it, for anyone who has been working on themselves in the world of personal development for a while, they will know that it always comes back to the same thing- the good old ‘not good enough’ stuff.


So its your choice, you can spend all your time, energy , money and keep experiencing the same old emotions going through your body each time you discover another subtle nuance, another version of the story in your head.


But Why? Why would you continue to do that if it always leads to the same place? Why would anyone keep doing that?
You’d have to stop at some point and ask yourself, what aspect of me is even doing this inquiry?


And when you realise that it is your own self critic, your own judge doing this inquiry, then you can see why you end up experiencing the same cycles of limitation and smallness time and time again.


What if you just stopped trying to work it out?


What if you just stopped needing to understand your pain, to understand your fear, to understand your resistance any more than you already do? and instead, remember to keep focussing your attention towards something else.
After all, we get what we focus on. We create what we focus our attention on. So if your attention goes onto resolving and understanding your fearfulness more and more, then what do you think you will get more of? An obvious question really, but lets just be clear here.


So, why don’t you and I work together to break that habit. Why don’t we work on short-cutting the pathway to feeling good and short-cutting the pathway to your innate magnificence and power. After all, as the saying goes, we are here for a good time, not for a long time! The time can only ever be now.



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Working locally (on what happens within) makes a difference globally.

Working locally (on what happens within) makes a difference globally.

Working locally (on what happens within) makes a difference globally.

Each time I witness a client moving through their fearful perception and into a new expanded awareness, I feel a thrill within. For I realise in that moment that each time it occurs, the butterfly wings of awareness spread out and through everything globally. One more layer of darkness has lifted and light is restored.


So sometimes when people get caught up worrying or feeling powerless about how they could ever make a difference in the world, how little ol’ them could change the way that their country is being governed or the decisions that are being made by corporations, then I say that you must keep bringing your attention back to yourself and take responsibility for how you are showing up and how you are feeling. That is the way that you can contribute powerfully in creating the shifts you wish to experience and see in the world.


If you are waiting for things to change in your life story or are getting frustrated and feeling unable to deal with the circumstances around you, this is the time when you have forgotten the truth of who you are and just how powerful and capable you are. It’s also the time where we easily go into a cycle of self-sabotage, disgust, shame and victimhood and when we have that going on, we end up behaving in all kinds of inauthentic and limited ways.


So what are you prepared to do differently? instead of waiting.


How might you begin to bring your attention back to you and how you are turning up in life? instead of blaming others or circumstance for what’s happening.


In my experience working with my clients, shifting context in this way takes firstly the willingness to do it! It can also mean that things have got really hard in your life (that way, you’ll sit up and listen and want to make a change because its uncomfortable!) and it takes rigour and discipline as you break old habits and build new ones.


If you have been sitting with a feeling of frustration and feeling powerless, then maybe it’s time you stopped stalling and give me a call.There’s work to be done and fun to be had! I would love to partner up with you and support your new way of turning up.


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Come to the edge

Come to the edge

The quote below has been the theme of the day, (nay! the week!)in my sessions with my clients and it has been an absolute privilege to bear witness to the layers or fear that have been falling away from each and every one of them in their own way.


I rarely share anything about my clients and wont be sharing any names but today I feel like it’s time to highlight some key things which been happening for them as they “come to the edge” despite the inherent fear that comes up when you choose to ‘turn up and mean business’ in your life and to be fully expressed.


They are finally taking action on what they have always known they love but have been afraid to make real…

– There’s one who is about to have an exhibition of her art on July 4th, unashamedly sharing her work after years of hiding in insignificance and making excuses.
– One who is growing his business and moving it into an office bigger than he could have imagined last year, only to find that he is already filled to capacity and is now expanding to take on a whole new office in another town.
– One who has stopped taking anxiety and depression medication after many years when he realised that he was taking them largely because it was what he had learned from his parents and he now can be his own person and make his own choices.
– another who has stopped hiding behind his relationship for fear of confrontation and loss and is finally stepping into the limelight of his career and has discovered that teaching and sharing his passion with young, rural students makes him come alive.


I share these as an illustration for those of you who feel the pull inside to live a fully expressed life of truth. As a way of saying that everyone who makes that choice WILL and DO have fear come up and that it’s all part of the process. But for those who are really over waiting to realise themselves as powerful and alive and want to live who they are AUTHENTICALLY and with INSPIRATION, don’t wait for that fear to go away! For my clients, they realise that when they practice what we work on in our sessions, they NO LONGER NEED the fear to go, in fact they USE IT to propel themselves towards what they love.


Are you waiting for the fear to go before you take the leap?
Are you ready to know yourself beyond all the fear?
Are you willing to take a leap and show yourself just how magnificent and capable and unlimited you truly are?


If the answer is YES! Then maybe I’m the one to push and witness you flying. Please private message me to talk about partnering up at this ‘edge’ in your life. : )


“Come to the edge, he said.
We are afraid, they said.
Come to the edge, he said.
They came to the edge,
He pushed them and they flew.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They said: We are afraid.
Come to the edge, Life said.
They came. It pushed them…
And they flew.”
-Christopher Logue



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What if…

What if…

What if today, you paid attention and realised that everything that turned up in your life was actually here to support you? Every conversation, challenging, confronting, joyous or otherwise was for that purpose. All of it perfectly orchestrated to expand and evolve your awareness of who you are- your capabilities, your innate wisdom and powerfulness AND also your blind spots to these things.


How about we be mindful of this as much as possible today so that we can make more authentic and informed choices from the infinite energy that we are and not from the perception we hold of smallness and ‘not enough’ mentality?


I wonder what would happen if we keep our focus on this and give our attention to ourselves and how we feel about the choices and actions we are taking rather than concerning ourselves with what others are doing? Just for today, or even part of today…. and see what happens.


Happy Tuesday gorgeous people : )



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