The biggest fallacy…

The biggest fallacy…

You’ve probably heard of the old adage, “Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”


I want to share a little about timing.


Of late I have noticed a lot of people absolutely feeling a Yes! or feeling to do something or to go somewhere or take action on something but then a WHOLE lot of backtracking, a whole load of holding off until ‘the right time’ or waiting for the fear to subside, or waiting for their head to to agree with their feeling happens.


May I be bold and say that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE ‘RIGHT’ TIME.


The right time is there and then- the moment that the feeling occurs to you IS the best time. There is only the now. All the doubt and backtracking and indecisiveness are just the games we play with ourselves by listening to our head!


I have an excellent example I can give you, one on my family members actually who will remain nameless (lol! you know who you are!). They moved into a new home back in the late 90’s and began looking at what they could do to improve the place and started by removing an old fireplace which was in the way of where the beautiful new large lounge they had purchased needed to go. SO out came the fireplace and instead of filling the hole up, they decided that the wall was probably going to be replaced by a new extension to the room so they would hold off for the right time. The couch was placed in front of the hole so no-one was the wiser- out of sight, out of mind.


Well, it’s now 2015 and guess what? YES you’ve got it! The hole is still there, 17 years later, enough time to do 4 renovations and extensions!


A life lived with a lot of WHAT IF”S, MAYBE’S, SHOULD’S, WOULD”S and MIGHT’S means you are letting fear run your life by avoiding mistakes, avoiding the present moment where all life is lived and the inevitable feeling of powerlessness that comes with it.


We have got so used to trying to get our head to agree to what our heart is telling us which can take forever- then you end up living a lot of NEVER.


Stop living your life waiting! Its only ever going to be your head trying to catch up with the infinite wisdom and knowing that your feeling has available to it.


Learn to move through the discomfort of change and following what you know deep inside is true for you.


Like the client who has lived 47 years of his life hiding who he was -or another who stays in a safe role at work which is prestigious but leaves her feeling empty and exhausted – or a self-confessed corporate high-flyer whose health had to get so compromised before she decided that she needed to do something differently. All of whom are now breaking out of the self-imposed restrictions and beginning to fully express themselves.


Living a fully expressed life doesn’t have to mean being the next Prime Minister (although perhaps it might!), it simply means rising above the story that your head dictates to you through the thoughts that you keep entertaining.


Let’s partner up for a period of time to support you to live your life in the here and now. To follow the inspired feeling that is within you. To move with more clarity and focus to lead a life which is fully expressed… AND to stop waiting for the ‘right’ time, one of the biggest fallacies we keep getting fooled by.


You know who you are! I look forward to your call.

‪#‎thereisonlynow‬ ‪#‎fullyexpressedlife‬ ‪#‎nevertoolate‬ ‪#‎followyourfeeling‬


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Choose Peace…Yes it takes action!

Choose Peace…Yes it takes action!

What if for just one day ( to start with!) we each chose to focus on PEACE. Just imagine it! The whole globe fuelling their minds, viewing their world and flavouring their choices with PEACE! After all, its pretty common knowledge nowadays that we get more of what we most focus on.


SO what is it you most focus on?


I have had a practice and one which I share with my clients which is to spend some time just after waking and before I get out of bed, focus on being present to what is occurring in my body.

‘Being present to’ doesn’t mean judge or analyse what is going on in your body- but simply becoming aware, observing what is going on with neutral perspective. Thats why its a practice, you need to practice!! It’s an old habit to allow our head to look for what’s wrong, what’s not going well, what needs fixing.


But gradually, with growing patience and discipline you can reach that neutral view and then your more conscious choice can be made. Choose to focus on something you love, something that brings you a sense of peace, joy, connectedness, aliveness, contentedness… and get reeeaaaaallllyy good at being able to shift your attention back to these no matter what your head distracting you with.

DW x


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Follow the feeling of Yes!

Follow the feeling of Yes!

We all know when we have it, its a feeling in our body but then the monkey mind, the rational logic comes in and has to evaluate and weigh up risk before we take action.


How many times have you seen a beautiful piece of clothing or a new car or a house and you have instantly felt a YES! In that very moment, you are living that reality and enjoying that thing that has your attention. Your powerful imagination can see yourself in that scene as clear as day and you feel expanded and alive as if it is already yours.


But then almost instantly for most, your thoughts or belief of whether you are able to have that experience come in. Your head evaluates and judges based upon current reality and circumstances if you are worthy or capable of attaining that. It effectively comes right on in and squeezes all of that inspired and expanded energy(which is who you are!) back into the limitations of your little body. It uses past knowledge and compares,evaluates and critiques based upon what you already know as to whether this new experience you have asked for is possible.


Truth is, of course it is possible! You are infinite energy which moves in through and around everything and everyone! But it all comes down to the degree that you give your power to those thoughts and emotions which flood your body. Granted, It’s a huge challenge not to and some things are much more easy to reclaim your attention away from than others but nonetheless, this is what must occur in order to KNOW yourself as a truly unlimited being in a human form.


When working with my clients and from my own journey, this is one of the most challenging things for us. We are scared of expressing ourselves, more especially because of the emotions that we fear will come with that. The actuality of saying the words is often the hardest initial hurdle but in hindsight, the easiest part. The true challenge to our humanness (ego) is in experiencing the emotions we think will happen after speaking up. Its the perception of vulnerability, failure,being wrong, shame, guilt, anxiety, rejection and finally abandonment. Also what we then think we will need to do or act like to follow through after speaking up. This is why you would have heard me speaking about the importance of emotional resilience. Again note- RESILIENCE not RESISTANCE. And your willingness to keep building your resilience time and time again through experience, expression and feeling.


My goodness we are all such drama queens when we are in our heads aren’t we! lol
But if you are tired of continuing to ignore your feelings of Yes! or are in some way convinced that you don’t know what your own yes! is, then put up your hand, I am happy to support you to get clarity and to build your awareness of your own inherent truth within- but even more importantly guide you in taking action on that truth. Being spiritually lazy, or in other words, having awareness but then not taking action from that new awareness is such a bullshit place to be in, believe me, I’ve learned that one and it only leads to cynicism and doubt!


I look forward to hearing from you.


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Working locally (on what happens within) makes a difference globally.

Working locally (on what happens within) makes a difference globally.

Working locally (on what happens within) makes a difference globally.

Each time I witness a client moving through their fearful perception and into a new expanded awareness, I feel a thrill within. For I realise in that moment that each time it occurs, the butterfly wings of awareness spread out and through everything globally. One more layer of darkness has lifted and light is restored.


So sometimes when people get caught up worrying or feeling powerless about how they could ever make a difference in the world, how little ol’ them could change the way that their country is being governed or the decisions that are being made by corporations, then I say that you must keep bringing your attention back to yourself and take responsibility for how you are showing up and how you are feeling. That is the way that you can contribute powerfully in creating the shifts you wish to experience and see in the world.


If you are waiting for things to change in your life story or are getting frustrated and feeling unable to deal with the circumstances around you, this is the time when you have forgotten the truth of who you are and just how powerful and capable you are. It’s also the time where we easily go into a cycle of self-sabotage, disgust, shame and victimhood and when we have that going on, we end up behaving in all kinds of inauthentic and limited ways.


So what are you prepared to do differently? instead of waiting.


How might you begin to bring your attention back to you and how you are turning up in life? instead of blaming others or circumstance for what’s happening.


In my experience working with my clients, shifting context in this way takes firstly the willingness to do it! It can also mean that things have got really hard in your life (that way, you’ll sit up and listen and want to make a change because its uncomfortable!) and it takes rigour and discipline as you break old habits and build new ones.


If you have been sitting with a feeling of frustration and feeling powerless, then maybe it’s time you stopped stalling and give me a call.There’s work to be done and fun to be had! I would love to partner up with you and support your new way of turning up.


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What’s your version of living a fully expressed life?

What’s your version of living a fully expressed life?

Having just returned from a delicious 5 days in Phuket, Thailand surprising a good friend for her birthday, I had the opportunity to take time for myself and refresh my connection to CoreTruth and appreciate all the experiences which have led me to this very moment. I was able to feel the power and value that lays in presence to an even deeper degree within and felt to share these words with you.


For those of you who have been wondering what it would be like to jump on board for some CoreTruth coaching and experience your fully expressed life with authenticity and clarity of mind- this post is for you.


If you’ve been sitting on the sidelines and observing the world passing you by…


If you’ve sat with an inspired idea or project or business but haven’t moved forward on it for some reason…


If you are waiting for a breakthrough to happen or something to magically appear…


If you feel trapped on the hamster wheel of life doing something that “gets you by” but you know there’s more inside…


If you are jaded by past experiences of traditional personal development fads and techniques that give fleeting results…


If you have a deep yearning to experience a life of more colours and aliveness…


I know the suffering that comes with choosing mediocrity. Playing in the “safe zone” certainly allows you to hide but over time, you feel that urge for more eating away on the inside, that undeniable rise of energy that yearns to be expressed in the world.


After working intimately with clients for the past 14 plus years, I have the privilege of seeing the patterns of self-sabotage and “not good enough” stuff and the commonalities there for us all when we are not being conscious. I have experienced how convinced we can be by the thoughts and emotions which flood our body and keep us small and limited.


I am not there for the conservatives or ‘play safers’ as there are plenty of great coaches and mentors who offer excellent work in a conventional way. I am appealing to those who for them, playing safe and living ‘the norm’ is not an option. You are willing to try out new ways of turning up in life, even if you don’t know how to do that yet. All that is required is that you recognise that feeling inside which says “YES” , even if you feel some fear or trepidation.


All it takes is to feel the space I am coming from. What does that mean? It means to realise that if you are even reading these words right now, and if you find yourself being drawn to any of the posts I share on Facebook or LinkedIn, that you already resonate and feel the space I am coming from.


In my coaching partner program you will have access to:

* as much personalised one-on-one coaching as required to support you to live your version of a fully expressed life
* a fortnightly online group coaching call so that you share and gain insights from others working in their truth.
* weekly meditation training tuition which is designed to anchor you in the present moment and integrate your session work.


If you find that your experience of your clarity and certainty is a fleeting one, that your head comes in and doubts your feeling and you fall for it, or you have let another six months go by on stepping up and taking action on what you love, the time is now.
I would like to hear from you so we can explore if there is a fit for us to work together.

‪#‎liveafullyexpressedlife‬ ‪#‎notimetowaste‬ ‪#‎clarityandfocus‬


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What if…

What if…

What if today, you paid attention and realised that everything that turned up in your life was actually here to support you? Every conversation, challenging, confronting, joyous or otherwise was for that purpose. All of it perfectly orchestrated to expand and evolve your awareness of who you are- your capabilities, your innate wisdom and powerfulness AND also your blind spots to these things.


How about we be mindful of this as much as possible today so that we can make more authentic and informed choices from the infinite energy that we are and not from the perception we hold of smallness and ‘not enough’ mentality?


I wonder what would happen if we keep our focus on this and give our attention to ourselves and how we feel about the choices and actions we are taking rather than concerning ourselves with what others are doing? Just for today, or even part of today…. and see what happens.


Happy Tuesday gorgeous people : )



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