Surf the wave of momentum…

Surf the wave of momentum…

One of the magic stages in creating the life that you truly love, which is fully expressed and alive, is the surfing the wave of MOMENTUM. Some call this FLOW. But what I have noticed is that it is a stage in the process where people get fooled the most by their head.

As Robert Fritz wrote about in his book, The Path of Least Resistance, where he shares the steps necessary to consciously create your life through the harnessing of tension, there are 3 key stages to the creative process:

GERMINATION- conception, the seed of an idea or inspiration which comes with lots of energy of excitement and enthusiasm.
ASSIMILIATION- embodying the vision of the idea which takes effort and diligence. The initial excitement of germination energy has dissipated and its about allowing the momentum to build with taking action and have it begin moving you towards what you have seen in your vision.
COMPLETION-acknowledgent and receiving the fullness of your vision manifest in your life.

When working with my clients, the place where they are most likely tempted to drop off is in the assimilation stage. They start becoming lazy with their practice or complacent with the results which start to occur and lose the feeling inside of appreciation and gratitude. They perhaps have managed to get some relief from their current circumstances, usually emotional relief or financial or relationship improvements have occurred and they doubt whether they need to continue.

All we have to do to look at where we have each fallen prey to this stage is to look at all the half finished projects we have around us. Half-written masterpieces, unfinished paintings, awesome business plans sitting in the drawer, all laying redundant. The excuses of ‘not enough time, not enough money, not enough ‘xxx’ (fill in the blank!), are the excuses we have rationalised that make us feel better but deep down just another opportunity to feel dissatisfied with ourselves.

Learning to harness the tension at this key stage of assimilation is vital to living a fully expressed life. Learning not to listen to the chatter monkey inside and continuing to take the one step that is always in front of us and not getting bogged down by the overwhelm of change and potentiality of the vision is equally vital.

If you can dig really deep at this stage and stay firmly planted in the here and now of your life and STAY PLUGGED IN, CONNECTED with what has been working for you, you stand the best chance of reaching the completion stage. The stage which still has its own hurdles to overcome but at least you have shown yourself that you have the capacity to bring what you love into reality.


…for those of you who are wondering why you keep dropping the ball of your vision and are confused about why,
…for those who keep telling themselves that there must be an easier way,
…for those who who feel like an island in their lives doing the hard yards alone

give me a call or private message me. I am looking for 4 seriously committed people to join my initial 3-month Coaching Partner Program who would love to surf the wave of momentum and build a solid foundation for 2016 and beyond. Sessions are held on Skype or FaceTime for those clients who are from overseas. I look forward to speaking with you.

#livefullyexpressed #momentum #dontgetfooled #coretruths

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Do you sometimes feel as if you are dying the death of a thousand cuts?

Do you sometimes feel as if you are dying the death of a thousand cuts?

You know, those small seemingly easy-to-overlook decisions where you take the safe option, the ‘anything for a quiet life” choice, the ‘better the devil you know’ way of life which leads down the same old path of feeling uninspired and mediocre. Sometimes, if you are really paying attention, you will notice that the choices you are making don’t even feel like yours, it’s like you are playing out someone else’s life.


Every time you compromise and hold back out of fear….
Every time you have not made a choice to follow what you love for fear of consequences? Not enough time, not enough money, and then all of a sudden its another year of your life thats gone by…
Every time you say you are going to do something new or challenging but then pull back?…


Here’s the deal… and it sounds funny but I have the latest lyrics from Madonna ringing in my ears:
“It might sound like I’m an unapologetic bitch but sometimes you know I gotta call it like it is!!!” …

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS THE RIGHT TIME TO TAKE A LEAP. Stop waiting for it! Your logical rational mind isn’t wired for the unknown,the new, the inspired. In fact it’s fair to say that it has a great aversion to it most of the time!


Of late I have noticed a lot of people absolutely feeling a Yes! to do something or a feeling to go somewhere or take action on something but then a WHOLE lot of backtracking bullshit stories appear, a whole load of holding off until ‘the right time’ or waiting for the fear to subside, or waiting for their head to to agree with their feeling.




The right time is there and then-the moment that the feeling occurs to you IS the best time. We have got so used to trying to get our head to agree to what our heart is telling us and that can take forever- so then you end up living a lot of NEVER.


Stop living your life waiting! Its only ever going to be your head trying to catch up with the infinite wisdom and knowing that your feeling has available to it. Life is only ever lived in the present moment, but just how often are you inhabiting the moment?


And that’s where I can support you. When I work with my clients, I support them to live a fully expressed life through clearing the clutter they have allowed to build up in their heads so that they USE the wisdom and certainty thats already within them. They stop apologising for what they know to be true, stop playing small and limiting their lives by telling themselves bullshit stories that they have ended up believing out of habit. I work with people who mean business with themselves and who are tired of feeling limited and shying away from what they love. It’s time to bring the fullness of who you are into play and show up with all of your might.


Im currently looking for 4 more people who resonate with what I have shared, who’ve had enough of stalling and putting off putting themselves first and daring to live an authentic and inspired life. These people are no longer willing to agree with mediocrity and compromise and want to move through their ideas of limitation. They’ve had enough of letting themselves off the hook and criticising and judging themselves. And they are over the ways in which they sabotage themselves whenever they go for what they love.


Are you one of the 4? If you feel a pull within, I’m interested in speaking with you to determine if we are the right fit and that I can support you to get what it is you need.


‪#‎liveafullyexpressedlife‬ ‪#‎coretruths‬ ‪#‎mediocritysucks‬ ‪#‎thereisnoRIGHTtime‬


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Choose Peace…Yes it takes action!

Choose Peace…Yes it takes action!

What if for just one day ( to start with!) we each chose to focus on PEACE. Just imagine it! The whole globe fuelling their minds, viewing their world and flavouring their choices with PEACE! After all, its pretty common knowledge nowadays that we get more of what we most focus on.


SO what is it you most focus on?


I have had a practice and one which I share with my clients which is to spend some time just after waking and before I get out of bed, focus on being present to what is occurring in my body.

‘Being present to’ doesn’t mean judge or analyse what is going on in your body- but simply becoming aware, observing what is going on with neutral perspective. Thats why its a practice, you need to practice!! It’s an old habit to allow our head to look for what’s wrong, what’s not going well, what needs fixing.


But gradually, with growing patience and discipline you can reach that neutral view and then your more conscious choice can be made. Choose to focus on something you love, something that brings you a sense of peace, joy, connectedness, aliveness, contentedness… and get reeeaaaaallllyy good at being able to shift your attention back to these no matter what your head distracting you with.

DW x


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Follow the feeling of Yes!

Follow the feeling of Yes!

We all know when we have it, its a feeling in our body but then the monkey mind, the rational logic comes in and has to evaluate and weigh up risk before we take action.


How many times have you seen a beautiful piece of clothing or a new car or a house and you have instantly felt a YES! In that very moment, you are living that reality and enjoying that thing that has your attention. Your powerful imagination can see yourself in that scene as clear as day and you feel expanded and alive as if it is already yours.


But then almost instantly for most, your thoughts or belief of whether you are able to have that experience come in. Your head evaluates and judges based upon current reality and circumstances if you are worthy or capable of attaining that. It effectively comes right on in and squeezes all of that inspired and expanded energy(which is who you are!) back into the limitations of your little body. It uses past knowledge and compares,evaluates and critiques based upon what you already know as to whether this new experience you have asked for is possible.


Truth is, of course it is possible! You are infinite energy which moves in through and around everything and everyone! But it all comes down to the degree that you give your power to those thoughts and emotions which flood your body. Granted, It’s a huge challenge not to and some things are much more easy to reclaim your attention away from than others but nonetheless, this is what must occur in order to KNOW yourself as a truly unlimited being in a human form.


When working with my clients and from my own journey, this is one of the most challenging things for us. We are scared of expressing ourselves, more especially because of the emotions that we fear will come with that. The actuality of saying the words is often the hardest initial hurdle but in hindsight, the easiest part. The true challenge to our humanness (ego) is in experiencing the emotions we think will happen after speaking up. Its the perception of vulnerability, failure,being wrong, shame, guilt, anxiety, rejection and finally abandonment. Also what we then think we will need to do or act like to follow through after speaking up. This is why you would have heard me speaking about the importance of emotional resilience. Again note- RESILIENCE not RESISTANCE. And your willingness to keep building your resilience time and time again through experience, expression and feeling.


My goodness we are all such drama queens when we are in our heads aren’t we! lol
But if you are tired of continuing to ignore your feelings of Yes! or are in some way convinced that you don’t know what your own yes! is, then put up your hand, I am happy to support you to get clarity and to build your awareness of your own inherent truth within- but even more importantly guide you in taking action on that truth. Being spiritually lazy, or in other words, having awareness but then not taking action from that new awareness is such a bullshit place to be in, believe me, I’ve learned that one and it only leads to cynicism and doubt!


I look forward to hearing from you.


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Sometimes you just gotta tell it like it is!

Sometimes you just gotta tell it like it is!

People spend a lot of energy, time and money trying to work out WHY they feel the way they feel- they try to understand their resistance, their thinking, their patterns and self-sabotage.


When it comes down to it, for anyone who has been working on themselves in the world of personal development for a while, they will know that it always comes back to the same thing- the good old ‘not good enough’ stuff.


So its your choice, you can spend all your time, energy , money and keep experiencing the same old emotions going through your body each time you discover another subtle nuance, another version of the story in your head.


But Why? Why would you continue to do that if it always leads to the same place? Why would anyone keep doing that?
You’d have to stop at some point and ask yourself, what aspect of me is even doing this inquiry?


And when you realise that it is your own self critic, your own judge doing this inquiry, then you can see why you end up experiencing the same cycles of limitation and smallness time and time again.


What if you just stopped trying to work it out?


What if you just stopped needing to understand your pain, to understand your fear, to understand your resistance any more than you already do? and instead, remember to keep focussing your attention towards something else.
After all, we get what we focus on. We create what we focus our attention on. So if your attention goes onto resolving and understanding your fearfulness more and more, then what do you think you will get more of? An obvious question really, but lets just be clear here.


So, why don’t you and I work together to break that habit. Why don’t we work on short-cutting the pathway to feeling good and short-cutting the pathway to your innate magnificence and power. After all, as the saying goes, we are here for a good time, not for a long time! The time can only ever be now.



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