What if…

What if…

What if today, you paid attention and realised that everything that turned up in your life was actually here to support you? Every conversation, challenging, confronting, joyous or otherwise was for that purpose. All of it perfectly orchestrated to expand and evolve your awareness of who you are- your capabilities, your innate wisdom and powerfulness AND also your blind spots to these things.


How about we be mindful of this as much as possible today so that we can make more authentic and informed choices from the infinite energy that we are and not from the perception we hold of smallness and ‘not enough’ mentality?


I wonder what would happen if we keep our focus on this and give our attention to ourselves and how we feel about the choices and actions we are taking rather than concerning ourselves with what others are doing? Just for today, or even part of today…. and see what happens.


Happy Tuesday gorgeous people : )



Picture Credit: (https://www.flickr.com/photos/oneworldgallery/)

Are you a ‘know it all’ ?!

Are you a ‘know it all’ ?!

I became aware of this at a meeting I attended with some really gorgeous and outwardly successful people this morning. The theme I noticed was that they KNEW what was true for them and what would support them to step up and live a fully expressed life….but they just didn’t follow through on that knowing.


I see this a lot with people who have been to a lot of courses and seminars or who have read a lot of books on personal development.


It’s one thing to go about gathering lots of knowledge and a WHOLE other thing to be willing to integrate what you know.


You see, this is where your head convinces you that just by KNOWING something intellectually, that will be enough for things to shift in your world.


One of the most powerful things we can admit to is NOT knowing. When we put down our fragile pride and become vulnerable (the opposite of what our head wants to do) and open, then we start to ‘get out of our own way’. Along with dropping the need to be right, this is one of the most powerful conscious practices I know.


But why don’t we get out of our own way??


Yes its scary at first, your head will likely go a bit crazy as it grasps to hold on to the illusion of safety and control but gradually, with support and persistence, you will start to see how your life opens up in the most surprising of ways. How by getting out of your own way, (a.k.a getting out of your head with all it’s thoughts and stories) you create space to allow your soul to show you what you DO know.


So, it pays to not know sometimes, UNTIL YOU AUTHENTICALLY DO, through your own experience. It pays to be humble in your awareness. One very powerful saying shared with me by one of my mentors years ago and I am still present to in my life is:

“Never underestimate the power of being underestimated!” or in other words, there’s no need to draw attention to yourself or try and prove you ‘know it all’ to anyone when you truly know who you are.


Someone who KNOWS – and I mean truly KNOWS in an integrated, embodied way doesn’t ever need to draw attention to themselves and build themselves up.


So, are you fed up with things not shifting in your world? If you are stuck in your head and often hear yourself saying “I know” but now realise that perhaps you don’t really, I would love to hear from you.


I am expert at supporting people to speak the truth to themselves and get to their own inner wisdom, certainty and clarity. My 3-month Coaching Partner Program will support you by challenging you to walk your talk, not just talk your talk and show you how by having some humility, things start to flow. Sounds good? feel free to private message me so we can talk further and see if there is a ‘fit’ for us.


(Picture Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rokaslaura/)

What are you waiting for?!

What are you waiting for?!

Why are you waiting for the discomfort to be so intense before you do something differently?


If you ponder on that for a moment, you will see that it is often so true. People wait until the circumstances in their lives get so uncomfortable, so unbearable that they almost back themselves into a corner and they don’t feel like they then have a choice.


Why do you wait to have a courageous conversation? Why wait to go ahead with that project or business you dream of? Why put off something that you know deep down is true and feels right?


When you realise the universal truth that life is- and can only ever be- lived in one place, the here and now, then things can really start to shift.


So, what are you putting off? and have you asked yourself why? Why are you biding time for the right moment?


In my experience of working with people I see it all the time. People telling themselves that it’s not quite the right time, they don’t want to speak the truth in case they hurt someone’s feelings, they need one more qualification, another few thousand in the bank etc BEFORE they can do, be or have ‘X’.


All of these are excuses! No wonder there are so many people who feel such a deep sense of powerlessness about their circumstances when they continually and habitually keep putting things off. And when you realise why you play games with yourself this way, you will (metaphorically) kick yourself!


For anyone interested in truly living an authentic and true path and who is tired of this limited ‘delay game’ THE TIME IS NOW. The truth moves through you in each moment, moment to moment, but are you listening to what your truth is?…and are you willing to act upon it?


I am interested in working with people who have had enough of avoiding and putting off stuff in their lives and who are ready to tell themselves the truth. I am welcoming a further 5 people to join me for my coaching partner program where you will have both one-on-one focussed support AND a fortnightly online group-coaching session to really forge a fresh way of turning up in your world.


How about you seize the moment which is NOW and send me a message so we can explore the option of partnering up.


Do you feel on-track?

Do you feel on-track?

Miracles literally occur when you give yourself permission to express fully what is going on for you. I have witnessed this so many times for my clients these past few weeks that I felt to share it here and encourage you, my friends and family around the globe to remember this.


No it doesn’t always make sense to your head that simply by ‘getting it all out’ (* in a personally responsible way) will change anything in your circumstances but it does, each and every time.


When working with my clients, I constantly encourage this behaviour. “How are you feeling?” – “What are you noticing inside your body right now?” and remind them that the disconnection from their body is what has them making choices that don’t feel congruent for them.


This gentle and constant reminder is vital for a person who wants to experience flow, notice synchronicities, feel ‘on- track’.


DO you feel ‘on-track’? Do you notice how things around you are there to support you? Do you feel like you are going with the flow of the river of your life or do you feel like you are paddling furiously upstream trying to get somewhere?


In my coaching program I work with you to get to the root of your Truth, clarify where there is confusion and support you to feel aligned and ‘yourself’ again.


So if you have been bottling things up, feeling out of flow or have been noticing that your choices haven’t been sitting well with you or giving you what you want, private message me to speak with me about my initial 3-month coaching partner program which will give you the support to ‘get back into your groove.’ I look forward to exploring if there is a fit for you and I to partner up.


(Picture credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/imagesbywestfall/)

Breaking the cycle of anxiety and overwhelm…

Breaking the cycle of anxiety and overwhelm…

Do you feel like you are always running to catch up with yourself?


Do you fill up all your available waking hours with something, anything that prevents you from being with yourself and your thoughts and emotions?


Do you experience anxiety, panic or overwhelm?


I can remember a time when my life felt very much like that. I gave myself no space to simply BE and get to feel what was true and what satisfied me.
Life isn’t much fun when you live in that anxious state feeling like life is being dictated to you and is out of control. It leads to all kinds of uncharacteristic compensating behaviours, feeling numb and disconnected, compromise and exhaustion. Often it felt like I was going crazy!


Believe it or not, all of these experiences are huge and valuable signposts on a path of waking up and getting wise. They are ways to alert you to know that you are not feeling aligned and congruent in your choices.


But if you don’t read these signals truthfully, you continually compromise on your truth and make choices that are not authentic choices and end up believing there’s something wrong with you- that something needs fixing, changing and improving about who you are. This focus ends up keeping us further and further disconnected from our core and so repeats the cycle.


It’s vital that you give yourself space to get some perspective and be supported in getting really honest with yourself. I know after years of working with exceptional coaches and mentors that continual and regular ‘truth telling’ allows you to ​clear​ the space in your head to allow clarity and calm to be restored. This centred and powerful space is what I call your CoreTruth.


I ​have expertise in supporting people who experience anxiety, overwhelm and depression. When you are flooded with overwhelm and panic or not feeling in alignment and congruent within yourself, I offer a safe haven or refuge for you come back to a place of peace and certainty. If conventional approaches such as counseling and psychology or even medication haven’t got you to where you feel you would like to be, then I invite you to contact me now so ​we can connect and see if what I offer can support you. I welcome your inquiry.

#returntoyourcore  #giveyourselfspace

(Picture Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/chpaquette/)