How are you feeling?

How are you feeling?

Are you feeling trapped by your circumstances and feel anxious or overwhelmed​ (again!)​?

Do you keep breaking promises with yourself by saying you are going to do something and then don’t follow through?

Do you believe you have to have something in place, ticked off or accomplished BEFORE you can give attention to what you love?

Do you keep telling yourself that you can’t afford the money or time to follow your heart?

​With all due respect, ​I call this bullshit! and you’re only being held back by the bullshit you’re telling yourself, or by the bullshit spinning around your head.

I can help you cut through your bullshit.
Its just a bunch of old stories we have chosen to tell ourselves and we do it so often that it has become a habit.
Wouldn’t you prefer to experience the freedom of being in the driver seat of your life? The feeling of being empowered and clear and focussed in your choices? Would you like to be able to feel certain and unafraid of making the wrong decision? What would it feel like to play your own tune rather than squeezing yourself into someone else idea of who they think you should be?

I ask you, can you really afford NOT to step off th​ose​ old stories​ and discover a more authentic way of turning up in life.

​As the saying goes, if you keep doing the same things in the same way over and over, how can you expect anything different to happen. ​

Come and see me if you have had enough of saying one thing and then doing another. I will partner with you to shift these old habits and limitations you live with so you can get back into the groove of truth. I will support you to create and experience the life that you dream of.

If you feel the prickle of heat right now, an uncomfortable but undeniable feeling that its time for you, or a burst of yes! within, then send me a reply​ or call me so we can have a conversation and determine how I can support you to support yourself.


Discomfort isn’t a bad thing…

Discomfort isn’t a bad thing…

Are you prepared to go through the discomfort of the interim period when you start to make a new choice to bring about a new behaviour or experience in your life? 

There will always be a period when things feel wrong or hard or clunky as you do something differently as your brain rewires to the new way of being. A person choosing and practicing the conscious path will see how important this discomfort is and will stop avoiding it and will instead move towards it. This is what I call emotional resilience and its an important part of what happens when you partner with me in my coaching program.

(Picture credit goes to:

Get wise and stop looking for the easy way out!

Get wise and stop looking for the easy way out!

As someone who has been in the personal development  and self-realisation space for many years now, there are many common themes that emerge when working with people in expanding consciousness. One of the biggest challenges I’ve had over the years and I see a lot when working with clients is our constant need to look for the easy way!

Sorry to be the reality check person here but… There is no easy way!!– yet everyone still looks for an easy way…to change, to know who they really are, to get what they want, to stop doing things that they know don’t serve them. They avoid challenge, open-hearted communication, feeling emotional, putting in the hard yards. They don’t want to be bothered by the nitty gritty.

It takes rigour, it takes discipline, it takes practice, it takes focussing the mind. It takes going through the experience of your head throwing all kinds of judgmental crap your way to sabotage your best intentions and convince you to stay small, to convince you that you can’t do it and that you haven’t got what it takes. 

You need support, we don’t have to take on this challenge alone. You need to have someone who has the consciousness to hold their space and not go into agreeing with your smallness and who knows who you really are and doesn’t fall for stories that you tell yourself. You must be aware of who you have closest to you because unwittingly they’re really invested in you staying the same way you have always been.

So wise up and don’t keep looking for the easy way. Don’t look to try and get away with short-changing yourself. Put in the hard yards, its worth it! Just stick at it and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

If you don’t even know what that means, or how you may go about it, feel free to give me a call and I will work with you. I will partner with you in your life and support you when you are telling yourself bullshit stories or when you’re looking for the easy ways out. I’ll support you in becoming emotionally resilient, in you coming back to yourself, the truth in your core where you appreciate the gift that challenge brings.

Private message me or email me at if you feel that it’s time to rise up and do something differently and stop avoiding life. 

#shiftyourcontext #thereisnoeasyway #coretruths

Bullshit stories!

Bullshit stories!

Are you done with telling yourself bullshit stories?

Are you tired of saying one thing and finding yourself doing another?

You know, I feel like we tell ourselves bullshit stories for so frikking long that we just don’t even realise what is our truth anymore. We just go along living out assumptions and ideas and thoughts about who we think we should be and what we should be doing and do you know what? its exhausting and unsustainable.

You may be experiencing anxiety, depressiveness and feel at times that you are going crazy but these are the indicators from our body that we are not feeling congruent with what’s true for us. We are feeling out of alignment and there’s an invitation to get real and more authentic there.

Your head may try and convince you that it is better to stay ignorant and that you should put your head back in the sand but it’s impossible to pull the wool over your own eyes. If you do, you know you are fooling yourself and only living a half-life, caught up on the hamster wheel.

You know, it’s a challenge sometimes to turn around and tell yourself the truth, the cold, hard truth as the saying goes. But remember, the truth is also very sweet- it may sting at first but the deep feeling of freedom that then comes from that is undeniable.

So are you ready? Are you ready to stop telling yourself bullshit stories? Are you ready to stop and examine the choices that you are making and feel whats true for you now?

If you feel a pull inside that says YES! please email me and I will share with you more details and what it entails.

‪#‎coretruths‬ ‪#‎atimetogetreal‬ ‪#‎shiftyourcontext‬

End of Year call to action…

End of Year call to action…

Are you ready to shift your context in 2015, from the old, habitual one where stuff happens to you and you have either good luck or bad luck to one that places you firmly in the driver’s seat of your life in order to experience your infinite power?

Now is often the time when people use the energy of the completion of one year to take stock and refocus on what they are wanting to experience. In my experience, people have one thing in common when it comes to living an authentic life they love and that is PEACE OF MIND. Think about it for a moment, if you had peace of mind right here and now, how would your perception of your problems change? Would they remain the same and take up all your headspace or maybe, just maybe you would see the myriad of problems with fresh eyes and perhaps even as opportunities.

This new view, or context shift isn’t going to be easy, lets be really honest here and say that nothing that is truly worthwhile is easy! All it takes though is a willingness to listen, truly listen with presence to your feeling inside. I’m not talking about the unstable, change like the weather emotions here, but the deeper, quieter feeling that we all have and know when we slow down enough to hear. This is where you will realize that you have whatever you are looking for already inside. That sounds like some woo-woo spiritual statement doesn’t it?! But unless you have given yourself a truly committed go at this self-realisation or conscious awareness path, then how would you know for sure?

I am opening up 5 more spaces for my one-on-one sessions to people who are ready to start January 2015 with fresh eyes and who are looking to be supported in their own authentic experience of true PEACE OF MIND. I am looking for people who are no longer content with mediocrity and a ‘fixing,changing, managing and improving’ view on life but rather a thirst for truly living their life from an authentic and powerful platform. For people who would like to be able to view their myriad of problems as opportunities and to find whatever they feel is missing.

Is this you? If so, please message me BEFORE 5pm Sydney, Australia time(GMT+11) on 31st December. I have a special festive season offer for a 10-session pack which will only be available until that time.


m: +61 411 878 205

Wishing you all a present, powerful, love-filled moment- right here and now, not in the future, but now! xxxx