Miracles literally occur when you give yourself permission to express fully what is going on for you. I have witnessed this so many times for my clients these past few weeks that I felt to share it here and encourage you, my friends and family around the globe to remember this.
No it doesn’t always make sense to your head that simply by ‘getting it all out’ (* in a personally responsible way) will change anything in your circumstances but it does, each and every time.
When working with my clients, I constantly encourage this behaviour. “How are you feeling?” – “What are you noticing inside your body right now?” and remind them that the disconnection from their body is what has them making choices that don’t feel congruent for them.
This gentle and constant reminder is vital for a person who wants to experience flow, notice synchronicities, feel ‘on- track’.
DO you feel ‘on-track’? Do you notice how things around you are there to support you? Do you feel like you are going with the flow of the river of your life or do you feel like you are paddling furiously upstream trying to get somewhere?
In my coaching program I work with you to get to the root of your Truth, clarify where there is confusion and support you to feel aligned and ‘yourself’ again.
So if you have been bottling things up, feeling out of flow or have been noticing that your choices haven’t been sitting well with you or giving you what you want, private message me to speak with me about my initial 3-month coaching partner program which will give you the support to ‘get back into your groove.’ I look forward to exploring if there is a fit for you and I to partner up.
(Picture credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/imagesbywestfall/)
Do you feel like you are always running to catch up with yourself?
Do you fill up all your available waking hours with something, anything that prevents you from being with yourself and your thoughts and emotions?
Do you experience anxiety, panic or overwhelm?
I can remember a time when my life felt very much like that. I gave myself no space to simply BE and get to feel what was true and what satisfied me.
Life isn’t much fun when you live in that anxious state feeling like life is being dictated to you and is out of control. It leads to all kinds of uncharacteristic compensating behaviours, feeling numb and disconnected, compromise and exhaustion. Often it felt like I was going crazy!
Believe it or not, all of these experiences are huge and valuable signposts on a path of waking up and getting wise. They are ways to alert you to know that you are not feeling aligned and congruent in your choices.
But if you don’t read these signals truthfully, you continually compromise on your truth and make choices that are not authentic choices and end up believing there’s something wrong with you- that something needs fixing, changing and improving about who you are. This focus ends up keeping us further and further disconnected from our core and so repeats the cycle.
It’s vital that you give yourself space to get some perspective and be supported in getting really honest with yourself. I know after years of working with exceptional coaches and mentors that continual and regular ‘truth telling’ allows you to clear the space in your head to allow clarity and calm to be restored. This centred and powerful space is what I call your CoreTruth.
I have expertise in supporting people who experience anxiety, overwhelm and depression. When you are flooded with overwhelm and panic or not feeling in alignment and congruent within yourself, I offer a safe haven or refuge for you come back to a place of peace and certainty. If conventional approaches such as counseling and psychology or even medication haven’t got you to where you feel you would like to be, then I invite you to contact me now so we can connect and see if what I offer can support you. I welcome your inquiry.
#returntoyourcore #giveyourselfspace
(Picture Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/chpaquette/)
It’s one thing to become more conscious and a whole other thing to to take action on that new awareness. That’s when you must walk the talk, not just talk the talk.
Awareness without action is dangerous because it breeds cynicism and spiritual passivity. You know, all those books, courses and sessions you’ve attended but the old habits creep back in and you are convinced that none of it works! Its not IT that doesnt work, its you who needs to work at it!
When you begin a practice of consciousness it is something that mustn’t be treated lightly- take it seriously without being serious about it- there’s a big difference between the two.
It’s all part of taking responsibility for the awareness that you are.
Don’t be fooled by looking for the easier route, there isn’t one. Deepen your connection to who you truly are THROUGH YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE. Use your coach/ mentor/ practitioner to support you in your journey rather than expecting or hoping that they will do the work for you. That means getting in and getting dirty, metaphorically and sometimes physically scruffing your knees and feeling bruised. It’s through the very challenging times that we learn so much more about our strengths and capabilities so stop avoiding and agreeing with your small voice in your head. As I say to my clients, just keep putting one foot in front of the other and use the support you have around you.
Integration as you go along is far more important than more and more accumulation of knowledge.
If you are someone who has a lot of knowledge but are not seeing the benefit of that knowledge, then give me a call. If you are a coach who wants to go deeper with your clients, give me a call, I love to support you in walking YOUR OWN deepening awareness path.
#yougottaworkbitch! (!!! lol) #integrationiskey
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Are you playing safe? Life’s ok but a bit blah and unadventurous?
Are you ready to turn up on the ‘edge’?
As you expand your awareness, you stop avoiding discomfort. You will find that you won’t wait for challenge to come, you will look for your ‘edge’. You know that expansion only occurs at the edge of comfort, the edge of feeling safe. I call it the comfortably/uncomfortable edge!
This is where you can become very aware of the paradox we live. On one hand, when we follow our head and its ideas, we are comfort seeking missiles, always looking for the safe and easy way out with little to no struggle. On the other hand when we are present and aware of the feeling that pulls us from within, we are coming from a space beyond thought that is all about fearless expression and experience. Turning up alive, engaged and involved and seeing what happens!
When working with individuals, I support them in their own experience of what this fully expressed space is about and how valuable it is. A fully expressed liver of life doesn’t look for their life to be safe and smooth, in fact they would naturally be wary if it did. Instead they are actively involved and present to the opportunities that surround them, knowing that it is better to have jumped in and tried something and ‘failed’ than to stay in the comfort zone.
I would love to hear from you and share how I can partner with you to support you to find your edge and stay there. Remember, there is no ‘right’ time to do anything, there is right here and now and it only takes one step at a time. I look forward to hearing from you.
(Picture Credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/1328/)
Are you noticing there’s a lot of FEISTY energy around at the moment? You know, that frustrated, agitated, slightly moody but not pissed off, worked-up but not downright angry stuff. I’ve noticed it around and also in the clients I support.
What I notice then is the judgment that comes up about being feisty!
“I’m spiritual and am not meant to be feeling anything other than peace!”
or “I shouldn’t be getting annoyed here but… (inferring that they are above that, or should be beyond it by now!)”
What’s so is that ‘feisty’ in itself isn’t a bad thing, or to be squashed or avoided. In fact I see it as absolutely necessary as you move towards birthing a new expression of yourself into the world. Whether that is a new art piece, a new business idea, a new way of being in the world. It’s about how you funnel your feisty that really counts. When you funnel your feisty, you are using that powerful creative energy and tension towards what you are being invited to bring out in the world.
This is a critical time to STOP and get present to what you are feeling. Notice what is happening around you…what is capturing your attention? what is inspiring you? where’s the animation in the room so to speak.
When you drop your judgment of the so called negative thoughts and emotions, you stop pushing it away and instead you practice self-reflection and ask what is this feistiness pointing towards in your life.
The very thing that is pushing our buttons and creating all this feistiness CONTAINS INSIGHT FOR YOU. It would be a shame to keep ignoring it or continue to relieve the tension. When you learn to harness that tension, that creative energy, powerful stuff happens.
If you are Mr or Mrs Feisty right now and would like to understand more about how to work with your feisty energy, then contact me to see how I can partner with you to bring focus and insight to what you are experiencing.
Picture credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/martinaphotography/)
While there is craziness happening on the inside, the world outside reflects that. You have the ability to respond to that internal craziness and therefore affect a shift in your external experience of life.
If you spend your valuable energy trying to sort the craziness only in the outside circumstances without giving any attention to the necessary inner work, you will forever be feeling disempowered and angry…. And that’s how the cycle continues.