Seek wise counsel…

Seek wise counsel…

Across the ages, Kings and Queens and leaders of all kind have sought counsel from those around them who could offer a different view, a new way of viewing their circumstances or dilemmas. It is how leaders have grown and stretched themselves into more than they might’ve been or done by trying to do it alone. After committing to my own personal leadership for the past 12 years and absorbing the wise counsel of many other leaders in the field of personal transformation work I have first hand experience of just how vital this is. If you consider yourself to be in  a leadership role whether that be as a business leader or a family leader as a parent or even as someone who chooses their everyday life to be lived from a leadership space, ask yourself, who gives you wise counsel , who gives you time to open-up and be vulnerable and express how you are really feeling without judgement or trying to give you advise. Sometimes its important simply to have someone be present with you. Simple but essential if you are choosing to lead from heart and not just from your head.

Emotional resilience…

Emotional resilience…

Do you know that you walk around with a tape running in your mind saying a whole load of BLAH!  “You aren’t good enough- not really you know, but someday, one day, when….( you fill in the gaps!) When I’m in a relationship, when I have that promotion, when I have that house, car, baby. When I feel healthy and slim. The truth is that there is nothing at all outside of you that can possibly make you better , happier, more ok because this is Who You Are, you are already that. Now, having said that, we don’t always FEEL that way which is where all this drama starts. (more…)

There is no room for blame…

There is no room for blame…

There is no room to play the blame game if you are in a relationship which isn’t working out the way you’d like. Getting to the core(truth!) of what is really going on means taking responsibility for the whole of what is turning up… and that’s when transformation towards what you really would love will occur.

Don’t get fooled by your head!

Don’t get fooled by your head!

The intensity of your thoughts and the life that gets created from that place will never get quieter- do not fool yourself! If you are under the illusion that you just need some ‘time out’ to integrate what you are learning you will be left behind. Remember the saying, “if you are going through hell…keep going!” Part of remembering who you really are is reminding yourself that you will never manifest a situation that you are not able to deal with- even if it feels like you are.

Serve from love…

Serve from love…

Making the transition from doing things for another with conditions and agendas attached to one where you simply choose to, unconditionally, has singularly the most joyous, expansive and effortless feeling to it.