Use the pressure of discomfort…(or it will use you!)

Use the pressure of discomfort…(or it will use you!)


How else will you be able to show yourself that you are not your body or your circumstances and that you are unlimited apart from going through experiences that push you out of your comfort zone?
DW x
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An invitation…

An invitation…

How about we use our voices , hashtags, ‘likes’ and blogs to post and link to messages and stories of love instead of fear? Just imagine that each time we became aware of yet another post on our social media wall that draws attention to fear mongering and criticism (which, if you are not completely present, can take you out and pull you down emotionally) you actively found something to share and counteract that message.


Im not talking about just ‘positive thinking’ here nor having it be like putting lipstick on a pig, but using conscious action to shift your attention and use the power of your virtual voice to focus on the instances of loving action and truth that are around us in abundance.


How powerful it is to take full responsibility for our own state of mind and what we allow to fill it and fuel it!


So for example, I recently re-posted the news that it has been announced that all children of asylum seekers will be released from detention in Australia by Xmas. With a call to action to lend your voice by calling Malcolm Turnbull’s office to follow through on processing this decision without delay.


What I feel will happen is similar to what I experience in my own body and that is a feeling of expansion and lightness rather than a powerless contraction that can often be felt when focus goes on what ISN”T working rather than what IS. Ultimately it is all ‘working’ even when it doesn’t look or feel that way but that’s a WHOLE other blog post!


I would love to hear from any of you with examples of where you have counteracted a fearful message or piece of news with a loving one. And in particular I would love to hear if you were able to notice any shift in your energy about it all. It may take a few goes to become obvious but today feels like the day to start!




‪#‎feartolove‬ ‪#‎consciouschoice‬ ‪#‎personalresponsibility‬ ‪#‎showupdifferently‬

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IN is the new black!

IN is the new black!

Occupy your heart. This one is for the constant searchers out there! Aren’t you tired of it all? Aren’t you tired of going to yet another expert or program hoping to find the magic panacea that solves your issues or your problems. Doesn’t there come a time where you realise that nobody ‘out there’ can transform your experience, only you.


Don’t let your clever ol’ head misconstrue what I’m suggesting here as there is a bit of a paradox. You don’t have to do this Inner work alone. Yes certainly people can offer pointers or guidelines, after all, this is what I do and we are not here to live like an island. We have all had experiences of learning and opening up through witnessing someone else’s story.


It’s got a lot to do with how you turn up in your life and also about your expectations. So if you turn up believing that you are broken or don’t have the capacity and keep making your problems about someone or something outside of you, you are missing the point. Indeed if it is your expectation that somebody has got the answer for you, then don’t be surprised if after a while you feel disappointed and over it and feel like you are always chasing an illusive utopia . The only way that will give you true transformation is when you experience something through your own body, IN your own body. You can only get INsight from withIN.


As an INtuitive coach, I will always put the power back IN you and guide you towards your own INtuitive feel. It is my job to hold a space of non-judgment so that you can feel at ease around expressing whatever it is that you have going on IN all your vulnerability and show you through experience that the light withIN always follows the darkness.


So are you now ready to do the INner work. To become intimately IN touch with your own wisdom and live INpurpose!!! Ok so maybe that’s normally ‘ON purpose’ but it still sounds good doesn’t it! 😉😀
“I believe that the more time we spend choosing to run the deep INNER-peace circuitry of our right hemispheres, the more peace we will project INto the world, and the more peaceful our planet will be.” Jill Bolte-Taylor
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Do you feel like a freak?

Do you feel like a freak?

Today I am writing to a more specific person out there. And for me to be able to do this, I am going to share with you in a way that may feel quite different to those of you who read my blog posts regularly.


Today I’m reaching out to those of you who are the outliers, the misfits, the ones who may even feel like a bit of a freak! I’m reaching out to those who feel misunderstood and perhaps alienated and separate and deeply alone. The ones who have faced or are facing a space of seeming darkness and feel at a loss.


I know your pain- I know what it feels like to be in this space which may come as a surprise to many of you who have only seen me AFTER all my years of transformation work and hours of my own coaching and mentoring with numerous people around Australia and overseas.


When I was in my early 20’s I was fortunate enough to be referred to a naturopath/dietician to whom I went for some guidance and support around depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. I say fortunate because I was told that had I gone down the conventional route of western medicine, I would’ve been diagnosed as manic depressive and put on medication. But something inside me wasn’t ready for that to be my fate and by going to the naturopath, I embarked on an intensive re-programming of my body chemistry and head-space which led to me clearing the ‘dark cloud of misery’ that used to descend on me almost like clockwork each 4-6 weeks for anything from 1 to 5 days at a time.


Was it an easy experience, HELL NO! I had been ‘managing’ this monthly occurrence since my teens, learning that if I could just hold out for one more day, that it would pass, but managing isn’t transforming anything and it was exhausting. There had to be another way and that’s where my journey began.


One vital thing I learned back then was that our greatest gold, our innate gift and power lies in our biggest challenges. I was drawn to do the work that was required to see how I had ‘called in’ depression and anxiety for very good reason and not that I was broken and flawed as both myself and most of the general population viewed it.


It was this deep internal enquiry, provoked by that free-thinking naturopath that ultimately led me to do what I do today with my clients. In simple terms, how on earth was I to be able to support others with their own mental challenges unless I had experienced this in my own body. It wasn’t enough for me to have learned it in a text book and regurgitate facts and figures alone.


So what I know to be true is that no matter what it is you are going through right now, there is another way of viewing that challenge. Another way in which you can free yourself from the fearful perception of ‘not good enough’ and the unworthiness you feel with all the shameful, guilty and sad emotions that bind you.


And the really tough stuff you experience contains the key to your own gold within and informs what you are here to offer to the world.


I am here to support people in uncovering this (core!)truth, I am here to partner with you to bring that into fruition, to own your inner freak and embrace being the outlier or misfit! It’s always been in there, just hidden amongst the clutter! What better time than right here and now, where we can leverage the energy of the end of this year, to enable you to begin the new year on the path towards living your own version of a fully expressed life. I extend an invitation to those who resonate with these words and who can no longer keep managing their emotions to call me. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Quieten your mind…

Quieten your mind…

“The quieter you become, the more you can hear.” Ram Dass

After spending a glorious week in Tasmania recently, I was reminded of how vital it is to keep coming back to the place of peace and quiet within. Nature offers so much when it comes to dropping out of my head and its never-ending torrent of thoughts and provides an instant bridge into the present moment.

When you quieten your mind enough, you can feel and then express the wisdom that comes through you. This is sometimes called intuition, inter-connectedness, source-energy, love. Whatever it is called in your world, make it a priority to connect with it through stillness and watch with wonderment how life unfolds with all its synchronicity and perfection.

I find that in working with people, they often expect this to be easy, and come with no pressure or challenge when they are in this space but this is a misconception of the truth. This is where ‘personal transformation’ becomes woo-woo and leaves people feeling cynical and full of doubt.

Having the ability to feel this quietness within, no matter what is going on around you is what must be fostered, with conscious practice and diligence. As your resilience builds, so does your peace of mind.

I am opening my practice to partnering up with 3 more people who know that it is time for them to build their emotional resilience and want more peace and certainty in their lives. These people already can feel that they are ready but may keep falling prey to their thoughts and fears of capability and resources. I urge you three to dig deep and step up , I am here to support you to reach the clarity and peace of mind that allows you to live a fully expressed life. If you feel even the faintest pull within, I look forward to hearing from you so that we can discover if there is a fit for what I can offer.