From The Daily Guru…

From The Daily Guru…


There is no sudden leap to greatness.
Your success lies in doing day by day.
Your upward reach will come from working well and carefully.

Good work done little by little becomes great work.
The house of success is built brick by brick.

Adopt the pace of nature.
The secret is patience.
A bottle fills drop by drop.

Thorns are like untruths…

Thorns are like untruths…

Because a thorn isn’t natural to our body, it gets rejected by our system even if we don’t get it out manually. Eventually, often with quite a bit of pain, it will leave the body.

Similarly, if there is an untruth, say an old belief or thought or emotion that no longer feels natural to us,it too shall rise to the surface in order to released.

When you change your context from the  victim, persecutor,rescuer paradigm to the fully personal responsibility paradigm, inevitably old emotions, charges, beliefs and behaviours will come up and challenge our new view.

Remember to see it for what it is. None of it is who you are, its simply the process we go through as we evolve and get to know ourselves on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Dreams come true…

Dreams come true…

“Dreams come true, that’s what they do. The only variable is when.

For the slow approach: Resist. Attach. Insist. Deny. Stop. Second guess. Whine. Argue. Defend. Protest. Cry. Struggle. And ask others, when you know the answer yourself.

For the quick approach: Visualize. Pretend. Prepare. Dodge. Roll. Serpentine. Do not waiver over intentions, but over methods. Show up, even when nothing happens. And give thanks in advance.

You knew that,
The Universe”

Acknowledgement and thanks to

The Power of Now

The Power of Now

“The truth is that the only power there is, is contained within this moment: It is the power of your presence. Once you know that, you also realize that you are responsible for your inner space now- nobody else is- and that the past cannot prevail against the power of the Now.” Eckhart Tolle

Ponder on this…

Ponder on this…

If you were to create an ideal future for yourself, what would it be like?

All things that now exist in form were once simply ideas in consciousness. We each hold the power to manifest different circumstances for our lives. If we wish to manifest a new reality for ourselves, we need to consistently focus our imagination on the ideals we seek to realize.

Remember to explore your ideal in terms of qualities, not people or things. What qualities do you most want in life? Freedom? Respect? Playfulness? Abundance? Whatever qualities you seek, imagine experiencing them now and be open to new ways to discover those qualities appearing in your life.

Change is created by those whose imaginations are bigger than their circumstances.

Unknown source

Why do we fill up our internal space with so much busy-ness?

Why do we fill up our internal space with so much busy-ness?

After a recent session with a client I was moved to ponder more deeply on the question; Why do we fill up our time with busyness? It’s because it makes us feel (or not feel) something… more of something- more important, valuable, powerful, needed, secure. Or indeed avoiding by feeling less of something- angry, sad, disappointed, not good enough.

This is why so often we feel like a hamster on a wheel, doing things on autopilot without being connected to our truth. There’s so much burnout from over commitment and therefore feelings of overwhelm take over. Two of the most common experiences I hear people complain of when I’m supporting clients in their self-realisation process are anxiety and depression, both of which are states caused by being in our heads, over-and projecting into the future or the past. At the extreme end of this pendulum this habitual over-thinking is often diagnosed as manic depressiveness and Bi-polar disorder. (more…)