You’ve heard that you can have whatever you truly desire…. so why isn’t it here?
Do you ever find yourself asking these questions?
Why aren’t things happening for me?
Why haven’t I got the job I think I deserve?
Why haven’t I got enough money?
Why can’t I find the right relationship with someone I love?
Why does it happen for them but not for me?
I often meet people who are jaded about their dreams and wishes not manifesting, “why isn’t the stuff I want showing up?” – “I’ve tried everything, positive thinking, workshops and coaches, online courses, affirmations, law of attraction, psychic readings, shamanic healings, acupuncture, …..” And the list goes on, in fact, I’m sure you can add to the list yourself!!
What I found through my own long and thoroughly exhaustive trialling and testing of different modalities and strategies is one vital distinction that most people miss.
Are you prepared to RECEIVE that which you are asking for? And I mean TRULY prepared and ready to receive what you want.
There are a few things I have observed when exploring the manifestation process for myself and in those I work with. BEWARE as some of them are illusion shattering and fiercely to the point! After all, the Truth isn’t all lovey dovey sunshine and lollipops!
* First and foremost, if whatever you are asking for is not in accordance with Who You Are, it WILL NOT HAPPEN. You can try and push and manipulate something to happen as much as you like in this 3D reality but at best you will not be able to enjoy your efforts and you’ll feel exhausted.
* Wishful and hopeful energy is effectively lying to yourself.
* No-one has the answers you require, only you have. Do whatever it takes to move beyond fear and doubt so get to those answers. Someone like me can support you to clear the clutter and confusion but you have to be committed to your process above all else.
* Are you behaviours consistent and in alignment with what you want?
* Your power lies in all the things you fear the most….and fear is an illusion used by the perceptions you make up about yourself and the world. If you are serious about welcoming in bigger experiences, money, creativity, loving relationships, you MUST keep expanding your sense of what is possible for you. Find the uncomfortable edge.
* What ‘works’ for someone else is unlikely to ‘work’ for you. Again it takes discovering YOUR way. And that’s part and par of the course, the discovery and remembering of Who You Are is challenging and thrilling at the same time.
* Knowing something intellectually doesn’t equate to having it be integrated and authentic to you. Therefore you don’t get the benefit of that knowledge until you have EXPERIENCED it and it is authentic to you.
* Having the things you love come your way or not has nothing to do with good or bad luck or fate. Neither does being a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ person!
* If you have not done the work to LOVE YOURSELF, TELL THE TRUTH to yourself and taken responsibility for everything that has shown up in your life so far, you will not be ready to receive the fullness and richness of what you desire.
*The more you are authentic and ‘in tune’ with Who You Are, the more you will experience synchronicity, flow and joy.
So are you truly ready to receive? Are you willing to put in the practice and effort that is required to expand and embrace the Truth of Who You Are? It is not wishy-washy or woo-woo as some may believe it to be. It is not a journey for the faint-hearted but it is worth it. For you to know yourself as an unlimited, infinite being, there’s work to be done and you could almost say that it’s a privilege. But as someone reading this, it is YOUR invitation, otherwise, you wouldn’t find yourself reading this right now!
There is nothing and no-one in the way of what you really would love, even if it looks that way.
So now you know at least some of the common “blockages” you will come across when you go for what you want. If you are fed-up of short-lived changes and fixes that only serve to keep you on the hamster wheel of life, give me a call and let’s talk. I work with people who are serious about living a fully expressed life filled with what they love…are you one of them?
#coretruths #livefullyexpressed #letsmakethingshappen#elevatetheconversation #dontsettleforless #letsdothecleaning
Picture Credit:(https://www.flickr.com/photos/lex-photographic/)