Where’s my stuff?!!

Where’s my stuff?!!

You’ve heard that you can have whatever you truly desire…. so why isn’t it here?

Do you ever find yourself asking these questions?

Why aren’t things happening for me?

Why haven’t I got the job I think I deserve?

Why haven’t I got enough money?

Why can’t I find the right relationship with someone I love?

Why does it happen for them but not for me?

I often meet people who are jaded about their dreams and wishes not manifesting, “why isn’t the stuff I want showing up?” – “I’ve tried everything, positive thinking, workshops and coaches, online courses, affirmations, law of attraction, psychic readings, shamanic healings, acupuncture, …..” And the list goes on, in fact, I’m sure you can add to the list yourself!!

What I found through my own long and thoroughly exhaustive trialling and testing of different modalities and strategies is one vital distinction that most people miss.

Are you prepared to RECEIVE that which you are asking for? And I mean TRULY prepared and ready to receive what you want.

There are a few things I have observed when exploring the manifestation process for myself and in those I work with. BEWARE as some of them are illusion shattering and fiercely to the point! After all, the Truth isn’t all lovey dovey sunshine and lollipops!

* First and foremost, if whatever you are asking for is not in accordance with Who You Are, it WILL NOT HAPPEN. You can try and push and manipulate something to happen as much as you like in this 3D reality but at best you will not be able to enjoy your efforts and you’ll feel exhausted.
* Wishful and hopeful energy is effectively lying to yourself.
* No-one has the answers you require, only you have. Do whatever it takes to move beyond fear and doubt so get to those answers. Someone like me can support you to clear the clutter and confusion but you have to be committed to your process above all else.
* Are you behaviours consistent and in alignment with what you want?
* Your power lies in all the things you fear the most….and fear is an illusion used by the perceptions you make up about yourself and the world. If you are serious about welcoming in bigger experiences, money, creativity, loving relationships, you MUST keep expanding your sense of what is possible for you. Find the uncomfortable edge.
* What ‘works’ for someone else is unlikely to ‘work’ for you. Again it takes discovering YOUR way. And that’s part and par of the course, the discovery and remembering of Who You Are is challenging and thrilling at the same time.
* Knowing something intellectually doesn’t equate to having it be integrated and authentic to you. Therefore you don’t get the benefit of that knowledge until you have EXPERIENCED it and it is authentic to you.
* Having the things you love come your way or not has nothing to do with good or bad luck or fate. Neither does being a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ person!
* If you have not done the work to LOVE YOURSELF, TELL THE TRUTH to yourself and taken responsibility for everything that has shown up in your life so far, you will not be ready to receive the fullness and richness of what you desire.
*The more you are authentic and ‘in tune’ with Who You Are, the more you will experience synchronicity, flow and joy.

So are you truly ready to receive? Are you willing to put in the practice and effort that is required to expand and embrace the Truth of Who You Are? It is not wishy-washy or woo-woo as some may believe it to be. It is not a journey for the faint-hearted but it is worth it. For you to know yourself as an unlimited, infinite being, there’s work to be done and you could almost say that it’s a privilege. But as someone reading this, it is YOUR invitation, otherwise, you wouldn’t find yourself reading this right now!

There is nothing and no-one in the way of what you really would love, even if it looks that way.

So now you know at least some of the common “blockages” you will come across when you go for what you want. If you are fed-up of short-lived changes and fixes that only serve to keep you on the hamster wheel of life, give me a call and let’s talk. I work with people who are serious about living a fully expressed life filled with what they love…are you one of them?

#coretruths #livefullyexpressed #letsmakethingshappen#elevatetheconversation #dontsettleforless #letsdothecleaning

Picture Credit:(https://www.flickr.com/photos/lex-photographic/)

Surprised (but not really : )!)

Surprised (but not really : )!)

How can I begin to share something that is of a regular occurrence with my clients but is one of the least tangible experiences had while coaching.

Sychronicity, magic, flow, confirmation, intuition, enlightenment, wonderment! are at least a few words that can at least point towards what happens when in a sacred place of presence and lightness.

I was with a old client the other evening having dinner and he was sharing about the developments happening in his life, in particular the business he started while we we in a coaching relationship 4 or 5 years ago. As he was speaking, I had a feeling to say that his business should now be shared to a bigger audience, he has done the hardest part of laying foundations and he now should get some press in particular with the Qantas magazine. He agreed and said that it had been in his mind to do that by the end of the year.

Fast forward and we were sat at the table enjoying the food and having a glass of wine and two striking ladies walked past and one said “Hello Mike!” to my client (not his real name) And they struck up a conversation. Mike asked “so what are you doing these days?” obviously she had been someone he knew from years back. To which she replied, “I’m now with Qantas, working with the Qantas magazine” (!!!!)

Now, no matter how long I have worked with my intuition, it just NEVER gets tired when things like that happen! She and her friend left, leaving Mike and I grinning from ear to ear at the magic that had happened. What made it even funnier was Mike said he hadn’t really recognised her but that he had smiled at her because he thought she had beautiful looking hair!! lol

Whatever it took to invite the conversation I guess!

This is a regular occurrence for those choosing to expand their consciousness and leverage off the interconnection that underpins our very existence. I know that it is this that keeps what I do fresh and alive because there’s no way that we could’ve planned for that to happen.

Keep an eye out for the synchronicities around you, these are the signposts we give ourselves that we are on track. If you are not noticing them, then perhaps it’s time you and I had a conversation to get things flowing 😉

#AwakeisthenewAWAKE #CoreTruth #Inviteintheflow

Picture Credit:(https://www.flickr.com/photos/quinnanya/)

The benefit of taking the path less travelled…

The benefit of taking the path less travelled…

Your head will never understand or be able to rationalise why doing what you truly love will align you with flow and bring you exactly what you require.

Today I have had sessions with clients who have shown themselves by putting themselves out there and choosing the more audacious choice that was in front of them. None of them, in the moment, could make sense of why their gut feeling was telling them to take such an edgy more but most importantly, they went ahead. I supported them with their challenge and all the headstuff that came up and reminded them that this discomfort is part of the deal when it comes to following your intuition, your feeling.

The commonality I noticed today across them all was simply how alive and free and energetically ATTRACTIVE they were. Their physical bodies reflecting this in their skin, how they spoke and their general way of being.

So I wonder how this can be speaking to you?

What feeling are you sitting on and not following up on because you are feeling fearful? Or perhaps your head can’t make sense of whatever it is and pushes it down?

Maybe you are one of the many people I come across who have convinced themselves that they don’t know what they love or what makes them feel alive?

I invite you to give me a call. My love is to support people to gain clarity where there is confusion and certainty where there is doubt. I promise that you will have an experience of yourself living your life in ways you only dream about.

Oh and while I have your attention, I have had great news from the stunning private villa complex where the CoreTruth Bali Retreat will be held in April saying that I have access to another 2 bedrooms….. so if you have been sitting with a feeling that you would love to be part of it, give me a call and I’ll let you know more! One of those bedrooms could be yours : ))

Are you being a puppet for the drama energy in the room?

Are you being a puppet for the drama energy in the room?

Have you ever stopped to think about this?

Have you noticed when there is someone in a group, your family, at the office, in your friendships, that starts to complain or gossip, that energy more often than not gets transferred onto another person in the group. Maybe even you! One moment you were feeling fine and happy and the next you suddenly feel emotional, caught up and are feeling uncomfortable.

Whenever you aren’t present, you will find that it is almost impossible not to get caught up in the drama and circumstances around you.

Elkhart Tolle refers to this as ‘the pain body’ and I liken it to being like a virus.

So how can you stop the tendency of getting drawn into other peoples stories and emotions? The answer is one of those simple yet not easy things. You build your emotional resilience by learning to bring your complete and undivided attention into the here and now.

You don’t ignore or resist hanging around with people in case they draw you in but rather you learn how to hold your own space when you are around them. This way you not only keep yourself engaged and involved but at the same time don’t fuel the drama and unconsciousness by getting sucked in!

DW x

Picture Credit:(https://www.flickr.com/photos/b3ni/)

The humble journey…

The humble journey…

Humbleness along with gratitude and appreciation for all of what is happening (Yes! even the hard and stinky stuff!) are key pieces of the puzzle to living a happy and joy-filled life.


I often mention to my clients about the need to be humble when on a path of self discovery and awareness. Here’s a great quote from Mahatma Gandhi that relates to this:

“The seeker after Truth should be humbler than the dust. The world crushes dust under its feet, but the seeker after Truth should so humble himself that even dust could crush him. Only then, and not until then, will he have a glimpse of Truth.”


What I find is this can often be misconstrued by the head and equated to being or playing small. After all, it’s insulting for the intellect to think this way!


Another way of looking at the word humble is simply having a complete and utter willingness and openness to challenge and question everything we have been told is truth.


To be able to embrace the truth of who you are you have to be willing to shift your perspective or as I put it, your whole context or paradigm in order to be able to experience it.


For some, the pull inside to know who they are in Truth has come as a result of tragedy or near death experience of some sort. That isn’t my experience. For as long as I can remember I have been fascinated by human beings and the way we think and operate.My journey has been more like a dog on a scent , sometimes a feint whiff and other times and undeniable heady scent of knowing that things are not as they appear. The key questions that have plagued mankind for as long as we have existed filled my mind…

Who am I ?
Why am I here?
What is my purpose ?

Do they fill yours from time to time?


I agree with a great teacher of Truth, Robert Scheinfeld that in our current level of consciousness, the majority are not capable of knowing the Truth, collectively we are still working through so much unconsciousness and ego perception. But what we can do is share a context or a model which points toward the Truth and experience it enough through our bodies that we can benefit and get practical value from it in our daily lives.


This is what I am excited by and why I do what I do with CoreTruth coaching. I work with people who have an itch, an inkling or even a downright urge to follow the feeling inside that tells them that there is more to life than being on the hamster wheel. There’s more to life than the 2.4 kids and a mortgage and endless consumerism that’s designed to keep us numb and disconnected from what is true and what really brings us joy.


So it really comes down to that point, are you willing to change your perspective, your world view in order for you to be open (be humble) to knowing who you truly are. If you can feel that urge, the gritty feeling of discontent with how you are living your life as you enter a new year, then perhaps it’s time to put aside your doubts and fears and choose to be humble in the true sense of the word.


Is this speaking to you? Give me a call, I’d love to hear from you. 😄

Picture Credit:(https://www.flickr.com/photos/bitesizeinspiration/)