Peace Of Mind Meditation Training
Peace Of Mind Meditation Training

After many years working with individuals in my role as coach and facilitator at CoreTruth and Academy of Intuition, the one thing I have found that we all share in common is we want to experience true peace of mind. Without it we compromise and make limited choices, buy into the ‘not good enough’ stories in our heads and live a reactive, drama filled life.
I would go as far as to say that peace of mind is the only true measurement of success in life. Let’s face it, no matter what is happening around you, if you have peace of mind, you are not worried and you are calm and clear in your choices.
As you may be aware, we have been running a meditation and mindfulness training group called Peace of Mind each Wednesday evening since early 2015. It has come to a point where I feel to offer meditation training in a different format and time. I have recently been holding an online class 3 times a week in the morning at a time that allows to build a practice before starting the work day.
The feedback has been great from my coaching clients as they find that being still and focussing your mind is easier in the morning and before you get into your day and that it gives a level of clarity that helps start the day off in a powerful way. This is an awesome opportunity for those of you who struggle to stay present, even when you know the benefits and you just need that little extra commitment.
It is also well known that meditating with a group enhances the experience, whether that be in the same room or on an online environment.
I would like to now open the classes up to anyone who feels that they would like to connect in and be supported to build a mindfulness practice and take the woo-woo and mystery out of meditating.
How It Works:
I send a link to an online meeting software so all you do is click on that link and it opens up a portal to the call. You can also use your phone to call in with a code if you don’t have a computer or tablet. Just plug in your earphones or put your phone on speaker and you are set. I have clients who join in the call while on the train and ferry too so don’t worry if you are not in a quiet place sitting in lotus position! The purpose of my style of meditation is about integrating a practice into your everyday life and making it practical.