Conscious relating – Imagine what it would be like to be in a relationship with a foundation of unconditional love. Where each person takes responsibility for the whole of the relationship and how they experience it. Where neither look to each other to complete themselves but each stand in their own clear and powerful expression of themselves and simply choose to love and connect with the other. Where each chooses to support the other to be the greatest version of themselves they can be beyond any conventional idea of commitment and social ideal.
Our relationships are such an enormous part of our lives. They are the perfect ground for our highest moments of joy and bliss and also for the complete opposite. They can inspire and energise us or have the capacity to distract, overwhelm and bring up all kinds of uncomfortable emotions.
Conscious relating sees each individual as whole and powerful without a need for one another. It holds a space which means that there is no room for blame and judgement of each partner for not having what is expected. It debunks the common idea of 50/50 relating which can only lead to expectation, disappointment and resentment. It creates a strong platform for honest and upfront communication which paves the way to heart connection and acceptance.
Whether you are a couple who are experiencing conflict and trouble, or simply reaching a place which feels limited or stagnant then CoreTruth relationship program is a powerful foundational approach to relating which turns how we generally look at coupleship on its head. It is different to conventional ‘couples counselling’ as it doesn’t look to manage or apportion blame for what is happening in your relationship but rather supports each individual to get clear and consciously choose how they would like to be in relationship to the other and commit to that. It shows that for change to occur in the relationship, the change must be an individual choice and action.
There is a minimum commitment of 6 months for this program which provides the arena for true, foundation shifting love!
Cost: $3600 for 20hrs of face to face session time held over 6 months. Each couples situation and requirements are different however 1hr sessions held weekly are usually optimal to allow for immersion and integration of your process.
To be considered for the 6 month Conscious Relating program it is a requirement to have an initial meeting to connect and ensure that this is a suitable way forward for you. Please contact me to arrange an informal consultation which is complimentary with no obligation to commit.
Eknath Easwaran
“Despite our passion for romantic love, relationships are not the easiest way to find love and peace. They are, however, one of the most effective for finding our blocks.
Relationships naturally bring out into full view our desires, attachments and unconscious programs – our likes, dislikes, belief systems, judgments, compulsions, conformities, etc. Relationships challenge us because they take us deep into thoughts, feelings and experiences we have suppressed for a lifetime. That’s why they provide the very best arena for personal growth!
“Human relationships are the perfect tool for sanding away our rough edges and getting at the core of divinity within us.”