Imagine that inside you there is a core of steel. This is the core where your wisdom and knowing lies, but for most of us, that steel is not tempered or strengthened. It gets bent out of shape by our life circumstances, our fearful thoughts and feelings and by others opinions of us. It gets covered in the “static” of everyday life and our limited beliefs about ourselves and the world in general. So much so that often that core is forgotten about and we rely on our heads.
When we are in our heads it is exhausting and effort filled….and unnecessary! as we have an immense depth of energy residing deep inside us. CoreTruth Context Coaching is about clearing the static away, getting clarity and speaking your truth. This means that more and more you experience a feeling of peace no matter what is going on around you. It is about being present with whatever is going on around you. You are more emotionally resilient and are more able to accept whatever is going on. You will feel what its like to be in flow, let go of old ways of being that just don’t work for you anymore and create relationships which are real and solid. Whatever the context, reason or problem you bring along to a session, it is guaranteed to shift your perception of what is going on.