The intensity of your thoughts and the life that gets created from that place will never get quieter- do not fool yourself! If you are under the illusion that you just need some ‘time out’ to integrate what you are learning you will be left behind. Remember the saying, “if you are going through hell…keep going!” Part of remembering who you really are is reminding yourself that you will never manifest a situation that you are not able to deal with- even if it feels like you are.
Making the transition from doing things for another with conditions and agendas attached to one where you simply choose to, unconditionally, has singularly the most joyous, expansive and effortless feeling to it.
There’s a silver lining in every cloud… So long as you are prepared to look for it!
The comes a point where there is more pain and suffering in staying small than there is jumping into the unknown, no matter how little sense it makes.
Remembering and connecting to your CoreTruth isn’t so much about adding or learning tools and techniques (although it can appear like that at times) but rather about how much you can release and let go of old ideas and perceptions of yourself and remember who you are- There you go! Isn’t that the perfect soul weight loss program!
Get out of your head! there’s more room below ; )