The underlying system of the current political, business and government structure is fundamentally flawed. I was having this conversation with my friend this week who was telling me about the latest split happening from inside our local Sydney city council. Apparently “independents’ are no longer independent enough and now yet another faction with differing opinions has emerged and at a time where there is a cry out for unity and interconnectedness.
He said that for a leader to be a leader it has to be about ego and I agreed with him in this case. Not because any particular individual is coming from ego or not,(although mostly they appear to be), but because of the SYSTEM we have chosen that sets the game rules in the first place.
Any attempt, no matter how full of good intention and consciousness a person can have as they enter the ‘game’, to try and steer a new path will ultimately be fruitless. Any appearance of change and transformation from within that structure is short-lived.
Just take a look at the quote below about the recent purchase of Whole Foods by Amazon in the United States as a perfect example:
“Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods does to organics what Uber did to the sharing economy: it takes something that was born out of a different economic logic (a grocery store dedicated to healthy food) and then molds and morphs it to fit into an economic operating system that is firmly based in the old paradigm—i.e. in a paradigm that aims for world domination rather than serving a goal of shared prosperity and well-being for all.” Otto Scharmer
Co-founder u.lab, Senior Lecturer, MIT
(Full article link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/…/40-lab-the-future-of-food-f…)
The problem is that over time we get frustrated and jaded with our leaders and the circumstances we find ourselves in….over and over again. It compounds the feeling of powerlessness and causes in the majority of human beings, a seething resentment and a feeling of paralysis and political fence-sitting.
What is needed is a willingness to step out of the current paradigm, or game and create a new one. Sounds simple enough doesn’t it but after many years of supporting people to shift their paradigms and discover leadership in a totally new way, quite frankly it challenges us to our very core. For any of us to step up and make a stand for a new way of doing things, we open ourselves up to potential fear, ridicule and shame. And this is why we remain within the safety of the existing game. But just because it is challenging and confronts us, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make that shift and quite frankly with current world events, we don’t have the luxury of hiding away from the responsibility.
By continuing to sit in the current system, we cannot become aware of how rich the reward is when we do challenge ourselves to go outside the norm. It calls on us to be renegade, free-thinking and unique. It challenges us to continually live on the edge of comfortable and uncomfortable for it is on this leading edge that true creativity emerges. It doesn’t happen when we look for our solutions from what is already part of the ‘game’. It feels expansive, alive and full of insight. New paradigm leadership notices synchronicity and connection and moves towards shared prosperity and well-being for all.
We have global examples of these new paradigm style of leaders coming to light. Presidents Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron and José Alberto Mujica. It will remain to be seen if they truly head up this new paradigm or if they fall prey to operating from within the flawed, fix, change and improve paradigm but at least they are a massive push towards a fundamental shift.
As a reader of my blogs you will know that my perspective is that any shift of system or structure can only begin from within YOU. When we sit and wait for it to happen outside of us, it only adds to the feeling of powerlessness and frustration. My invitation to you is to discover what your SOUL is all about, what you as a new paradigm leader could contribute. And if that means the choice to challenge the fearful conversations and beliefs that lay in you and stretches you to go outside your comfort zone, then DO IT with all your might. As the adage goes, ‘this (life) isn’t a rehearsal!’
#CoreTruth #ElevateTheConversation #LiveFullyExpressed #SoulAction#Soul-ution
Picture Credit: (https://www.flickr.com/photos/biscuitsmlp/)