Have you ever stopped to think about this?
Have you noticed when there is someone in a group, your family, at the office, in your friendships, that starts to complain or gossip, that energy more often than not gets transferred onto another person in the group. Maybe even you! One moment you were feeling fine and happy and the next you suddenly feel emotional, caught up and are feeling uncomfortable.
Whenever you aren’t present, you will find that it is almost impossible not to get caught up in the drama and circumstances around you.
Elkhart Tolle refers to this as ‘the pain body’ and I liken it to being like a virus.
So how can you stop the tendency of getting drawn into other peoples stories and emotions? The answer is one of those simple yet not easy things. You build your emotional resilience by learning to bring your complete and undivided attention into the here and now.
You don’t ignore or resist hanging around with people in case they draw you in but rather you learn how to hold your own space when you are around them. This way you not only keep yourself engaged and involved but at the same time don’t fuel the drama and unconsciousness by getting sucked in!
DW x
Picture Credit:(https://www.flickr.com/photos/b3ni/)